Moments in Kentucky
Legislative History

Presented by the Kentucky Historical Society

Slave Importation

By an act approved February 19, 1846, Thomas Howser of Monroe County was permitted to import into the state “a certain Negro boy, by the name of Joe, about 18 years old, without incurring the penalties of the law of 1833, prohibiting the importation of slaves into this commonwealth.” Howser was to report to the clerk of the county court within thirty days “that said slave is imported for his own use, and not as merchandise.” This was a typical act allowing an individual to bring in slaves to Kentucky without fear of being charged with violating the Nonimportation Act, which prohibited importing slaves for commercial purposes.

antislavery broadside

Broadside from a scrapbook owned and compiled by Kentucky statesman and abolitionist Cassius M. Clay. The first principle listed on this antislavery platform called for “The absolute prohibition of the importation of any more slaves into Kentucky.” Donated by David Collins. KHS Collections.

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