Sarah Bush Johnston
Sarah Bush was born on December 13, 1788, in Hardin County, Kentucky.
At the age of two, she moved with her parents, Christopher and Hanna Bush, and
her eight siblings to Elizabethtown,
where she grew up. On March 13, 1806, at the age of eighteen, Sarah married
Daniel Johnston. Daniel died of cholera in 1816, leaving Sarah with no money
and three children.
Lincoln, father of Abraham Lincoln, and a prior acquaintance of Sarah Bush
Johnston, returned to Elizabethtown
in 1819. Thomas had recently become a widower because of the death of Nancy
Hanks Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln’s mother. Upon learning that Sarah Bush Johnston
was widowed with three children, Thomas called on Sarah, courted her, and asked
her to become his wife.
December 2, 1819, Thomas Lincoln and Sarah Bush Johnston were married in Elizabethtown in an old
log house which stood at the present address of 117 North Main Street. A copy of their
marriage bond may be found at the Hardin
County public library.
Thomas, Sarah, and her three children left Kentucky
and traveled to Indiana,
where Thomas had settled. Upon their arrival, Abraham and Sarah, Thomas’s
children, met their stepmother for the first time. Abraham was only ten years
old. Sarah was twelve.
The Lincoln family remained in Indiana
until 1830, when they moved to Illinois.
Sarah and Abraham always spoke kindly of each other. Abraham described her as
“a good and kind mother” and addressed her as Mother in his letters.
Bush Johnston Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln’s stepmother
of the Abraham Lincoln
Museum of Lincoln
Memorial University,