Todd summer home was a tall, rambling frame house surrounded by large locust
trees, situated on a beautiful knoll a quarter of a mile from the highway.” — William
H. Townsend
Buena Vista had an eventful history. It began as a get-away summer
house for the Todds but later became the principal
family residence.
In 1826,
a year after the death of Mary Todd’s mother, Eliza (Parker) Todd, her father,
Robert S. Todd, married Elizabeth L. Humphreys. In 1830, Elizabeth’s
uncle, James Brown, sold to her brother, David C. Humphreys, 162 acres on the
Frankfort Pike about eighteen miles west of Lexington. Sometime in the 1830s–40s Robert
Todd built Buena Vista, a two-story frame
house, as a family summer home on this property. Mary Todd visited Buena Vista frequently as a child. Elizabeth managed the property with her
brother, David, rather than with her husband. Evidently the property remained
in the Humphreys family.
As a
summer home, Buena Vista was the site of
important comings and goings. During their month-long visit to Lexington
in 1847, for example, the Lincolns visited the
Todd family at Buena Vista. But significant
change came quickly. Robert Todd died in 1849. In 1851, Lincoln
returned to Lexington
with his family to deal with a lawsuit over the Todd estate. As a result of
this lawsuit, the entire estate was liquidated and the proceeds distributed to
the heirs. So Elizabeth Todd could not save the Lexington
home and was forced to move to Buena Vista
with her children. In 1859, David and Elizabeth Humphreys sold Buena Vista.
Over the
years, the property was sold several times until in 1888 the “Todd Farm,” as it
was referred to in the deed books, was reduced to around sixty acres. The house
was razed in 1947; only part of the stone springhouse remains.
Vista, the summer home of Robert S. Todd, on Leestown Pike six miles from Frankfort, ca. 1930
Kentucky Historical Society Collections