Trigg Logan
Trigg Logan served as Abraham Lincoln's second law partner in Springfield, Illinois,
from 1841 to 1844. Born in Kentucky in 1800, Logan studied law in Glasgow,
Kentucky, but he eventually left for Springfield in 1832, where
he began his practice.
Lincoln met Stephen Logan in 1832 when Lincoln
was running for the legislature. Both
Whigs, they were close political associates during the 1840s. Logan
was elected to the Illinois
legislature in 1842, 1844, and 1846. Lincoln and Logan became law partners in
1841. The partnership was successful, but in 1844, when Logan decided to bring his son, David, into
the firm, the partnership was amicably dissolved.
Logan continued his political alliance with Lincoln.
He was elected again to the state legislature in 1854. He served as a
delegate to the Republican national convention in 1860, and he was a delegate
to the Washington Peace Conference in 1861. In 1862, Lincoln
appointed him to a commission to investigate claims against the state
government in Cairo, Illinois.
By the
time the Civil War began, Logan
had become wealthy enough to retire from both politics and his legal
practice. Though his political opinions
of the war were never clearly stated, he was not known to be a supporter of the
war. He wrote Lincoln
only a few formal notes concerning his recommendations for judicial
appointments during the war, but he remained otherwise removed from the war
Print by
Bernhardt Wall of Stephen T. Logan and Abraham Lincoln’s law office in Springfield, Illinois
of the Abraham Lincoln
Museum of Lincoln
Memorial University,
Harrogate, TN