04RS SB2


WWW Version

NOTE: The hyperlink to a bill draft that precedes a summary contains the most recent version (Introduced/GA/Enacted) of the bill. If the session has ended, the hyperlink contains the latest version of the bill at the time of sine die adjournment. Note that the summary pertains to the bill as introduced, which is often different from the most recent version.

SB 2 (BR 937) - D. Williams, R. Leeper, C. Borders, V. McGaha, R. Roeding, G. Tapp

     AN ACT relating to transportation.
     Create various new sections of KRS Chapter 174 to require the Governor and Transportation Cabinet to establish a statewide transportation plan; amend the process the cabinet must follow when preparing the six-year road plan for enactment by the General Assembly; require the cabinet to develop a long-range capital facilities plan and a short-term maintenance plan for all buildings and facilities owned or leased by the cabinet; require the cabinet to revise procedures for the purchasing and leasing of vehicles and equipment; require the cabinet to conduct a review of vehicles and equipment owned or leased by all executive branch agencies; require the cabinet to report to the Governor and General Assembly and, based upon the vehicle review, make recommendations on ways to improve efficiency in the administration of the state fleet; require the cabinet to develop a business plan that establishes strategic objectives and improvement priorities; create a legislative Transportation Oversight Subcommittee; establish membership, powers, and duties of the subcommittee; create various new sections of KRS Chapter 176 to require the cabinet to create a cost estimating and markets analysis section to develop the cabinet's engineers estimate for highway projects; require the cabinet to create an awards committee; establish membership and duties of the committee; require the cabinet to implement methods to increase competition on bids for highway projects; establish requirements for the cabinet to meet to improve management of highway projects; require the cabinet to create a project manager position and career path; establish the duties of a project manager; require the cabinet to improve the collection of financial information for both the preconstruction and construction phases of highway projects; require the cabinet to post information for major milestones of a highway project on the cabinet's web page; require the cabinet to meet new requirements for the approval of change orders and supplemental agreements; require the cabinet to review and update all policy and procedure manuals used in the design, right-of-way, utility, or construction phase of a highway project; require the cabinet to establish standardized guidelines for the outsourcing of work associated with a highway project; establish guidelines that must be followed to prohibit employees of the cabinet, or a consultant under contract to the cabinet, from divulging confidential information relating to a highway project; establish standards the cabinet must follow in the disadvantaged, minority, and women business enterprise program; require the cabinet to give LRC staff read-only access to all cabinet computer applications relating to highway construction; require the cabinet to report within 18 months of the effective date of the Act on the status of implementing the provisions of the Act; and amend KRS 45.245, 45.247, 176.010, 176.050, 176.070, 176.100, 176.110, 176.121, 176.140, 176.210, 176.260, 176.419, 176.420, 176.430, and 176.440 to conform.


     SCS - Retain original provisions of the bill with the following exception: amend Section 5 to increase the membership of the Transportation Oversight Subcommittee from 12 to 14 members by adding the chairs of the House and Senate Transportation Committees as ex officio, nonvoting members; specify that a quorum of the subcommittee shall be seven voting members.

     SFA (1, E. Scorsone) - Retain the provisions of the committee substitute with the following change: Delete the provisions of Section 8, relating to the Transportation Oversight Subcommittee review of Transportation Cabinet contracts, and insert in lieu thereof a requirement that all Transportation Cabinet contracts, including contracts awarded through a competitive bidding process, be reviewed by the LRC Government Contract Review Committee.

     SFA (2, R. Leeper) - Retain the provisions of the committee substitute with the following change: In Section 17, delete subsection (7) in its entirety to eliminate the provision for a $10,000 fine and other civil and criminal penalties.

     SFA (3, D. Williams) - Retain the provisions of the committee substitute with the following changes: In Section 8 amend subsection (1) to change from a permissive review of Transportation Cabinet contracts to a mandatory review by the LRC Transportation Oversight Subcommittee.

     SFA (4, E. Scorsone) - Retain the provisions of the committee substitute with the following changes: In Section 8 amend subsection (1) to change from a permissive review of Transportation Cabinet contracts to a mandatory review by the LRC Transportation Oversight Subcommittee.

     SFA (5, B. Guthrie) - Direct that the co-chairs of the Transportation Oversight Subcommittee have joint responsibilities for meeting agendas and presiding at Subcommittee meetings; direct that, on an alternating basis, each co-chair has the first option to set the monthly meeting date; permit a monthly meeting to be canceled by agreement of both co-chairs; require a quorum to be a majority of the entire membership of the Subcommittee; require all actions of the Subcommittee to be by vote of a majority of its entire membership.

     Feb 4-introduced in Senate
     Feb 5-to Transportation (S)
     Feb 11-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute
     Feb 12-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendments (1) and (2) filed to Committee Substitute
     Feb 17-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, February 18, 2004
     Feb 18-3rd reading; Committee Substitute adopted; floor amendment (2) adopted ; laid on clerk's desk; floor amendments (3) (4) and (5) filed to Committee Substitute
     Feb 19-taken from clerk's desk; returned to the Orders of the Day; floor amendments (1) and (4) withdrawn ; passed 35-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendments (2) (3) and (5)
     Feb 20-received in House
     Feb 23-to Transportation (H)

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