04RS SB236


WWW Version

NOTE: The hyperlink to a bill draft that precedes a summary contains the most recent version (Introduced/GA/Enacted) of the bill. If the session has ended, the hyperlink contains the latest version of the bill at the time of sine die adjournment. Note that the summary pertains to the bill as introduced, which is often different from the most recent version.

SB 236 (BR 365) - W. Blevins

     AN ACT relating to the inclusion of works of art in state buildings and making an appropriation therefor.
     Create a new section of KRS Chapter 153 to establish a state art fund using 1% of all state appropriations for construction of new state office buildings; provide that the Kentucky Arts Council administer the fund and use it to acquire art to be displayed in state office buildings; exempt construction of detention facilities; allow funds to be carried forward into the next fiscal year; amend KRS 153.220 to conform.

     Feb 25-introduced in Senate
     Mar 1-to Appropriations and Revenue (S)

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