Interim Joint Committee on Appropriations and Revenue


Minutes of the<MeetNo1> 6th Meeting

of the 2017 Interim


<MeetMDY1> November 20, 2017


Call to Order and Roll Call

The<MeetNo2> 6th meeting of the Interim Joint Committee on Appropriations and Revenue was held on<Day> Monday,<MeetMDY2> November 20, 2017, at<MeetTime> 1:00 PM, in<Room> Room 154 of the Capitol Annex. Senator Christian McDaniel, Chair, called the meeting to order, and the secretary called the roll.


Present were:


Members:<Members> Senator Christian McDaniel, Co-Chair; Representative Steven Rudy, Co-Chair; Senators Ralph Alvarado, Rick Girdler, Dennis Parrett, Wil Schroder, Brandon Smith, and Stephen West; Representatives Tim Couch, Regina Huff, Brian Linder, Donna Mayfield, Suzanne Miles, Jason Nemes, Ruth Ann Palumbo, Phillip Pratt, Jody Richards, Sal Santoro, Arnold Simpson, Jim Stewart III, James Tipton, Ken Upchurch, Susan Westrom, and Jill York.


Guests: Steve Parker, Commissioner, Todd Bloch, Deputy Commissioner, Craig Farmer, Engineering Branch Manager, Kentucky Department of Aviation; Adira Johnson, Commissioner, Elizabeth Caywood, Executive Advisor, Department for Community Based Services; Hahns Herklotz, General Counsel, Catherine York, Deputy General Counsel, Cabinet for Health and Family Services


LRC Staff: Jennifer Hays, Cynthia Brown, Amit Shanker, Hannah Walker, Charlotte Quarles, and Jennifer Beeler


Approval of the Minutes

Senator Alvarado made a motion, seconded by Senator Schroder, to approve the minutes of the October 26, 2017 meeting. The motion carried by voice vote.


Presentation on Transportation Aviation

Steve Parker, Commissioner, Todd Bloch, Deputy Commissioner and Craig Farmer, Engineering Branch Manager, Kentucky Department of Aviation gave a brief overview of the impact of General Fund Appropriation on general aviation airports.


 Commissioner Parker reviewed several slides regarding the state of public and private airports around the state.


In response to a question from Chairman Rudy, Commissioner Parker explained that the $10 million each year of the biennium being requested is for hard construction only. No money is being spent on fuel systems, instrument approaches, hangers, or furniture for terminal buildings.


In response to a question from Senator Schroder, Commissioner Parker explained that all revenues received by airports stays local and no revenues come back to the state.


Presentation on Kinship Care

Adria Johnson, Commissioner presented a power point to the committee regarding the Kinship Care program and the most recent supreme court decision on D.O. vs Glisson. She explained the ruling as well as a brief overview of the Kinship Care program as a whole.


In response to a question from Senator Parrett, Commissioner Johnson stated that there is a huge benefit to placing a child with a family member as opposed to foster care. Studies have shown it is less traumatic and a child will do better in a setting where there is familiarity.


With no further business before the committee, the meeting was adjourned.