Administrative Regulation Review Subcommittee


Minutes of the<MeetNo1> December Meeting


<MeetMDY1> December 14, 2010


Call to Order and Roll Call

The<MeetNo2> December meeting of the Administrative Regulation Review Subcommittee was held on<Day> Tuesday,<MeetMDY2> December 14, 2010, at<MeetTime> 1:00 PM, in<Room> Room 149 of the Capitol Annex. Representative Leslie Combs, Chair, called the meeting to order, and the secretary called the roll.


Present were:


Members:<Members> Senators Elizabeth Tori, David Givens, Alice Forgy Kerr, and Joey Pendleton, and Representatives Leslie Combs and Danny Ford.


Guests:  Robert Brown, Mike Carr, Alicia Sneed, Education Professional Standards Board; Laura Ferguson, DeVon Hankins, Mark Johnson, Gary Morris, Jeff Mosley, Don Richardson, Lisa Swiger, Rose Caudle, Travis Powell, Don Speer, Finance and Administration Cabinet; Michael Burleson, Board of Pharmacy; Brian Bishop, Katherine King, Susan King, Robert Zena, Board of Dentistry; William Adcock, Jim Grawe, Margaret Hazlette, Board of Social Work; Karen Waldrop, Department of Fish and Wildlife; Sue Billings, Robert Stout, Clint Quarles, Department of Agriculture; Dan Ballard, Ann D'Angelo, Transportation Cabinet; Kevin Brown, Michael Miller, Kentucky Department of Education; D.J. Wasson, Department of Insurance; Patricia Cooksey, Marc A. Guilfoil, Mary Scollay, Susan Speckert, Timothy West, Kentucky Horse Racing Commission; Michael D. Bennett, Dawn Bellis, Michael D. Bennett; Department of Housing, Buildings and Construction; Paula Goff, I.J. Eneje, Janice Johnston, Ray Peters, Cabinet for Health and Family Services; Gabe Prewitt, Kentucky Harness Horsemen.


LRC Staff:  Dave Nicholas, Emily Caudill, Donna Little, Sarah Amburgey, Emily Harkenrider, Karen Howard, and Laura Napier.


The Administrative Regulation Review Subcommittee met on Tuesday, December 14, 2010, and submits this report:


Administrative Regulations Reviewed by the Subcommittee:




16 KAR 2:150. Probationary certificate for teachers of engineering and technology education. Mike Carr, director of certification, and Alicia Sneed, director of legal services, represented the board.


A motion was made and seconded to approve the following amendments: (1) to amend the NECESSITY, FUNCTION, AND CONFORMITY paragraph and Sections 2 and 5 to comply with the drafting and format requirements of KRS Chapter 13A. Without objection, and with agreement of the agency, the amendments were approved.




16 KAR 6:020. Written examination prerequisites for occupation-based career and technical education teachers.

A motion was made and seconded to approve the following amendments: (1) to amend the NECESSITY, FUNCTION, AND CONFORMITY paragraph and Sections 2 through 4 and 8 to comply with the drafting and format requirements of KRS Chapter 13A. Without objection, and with agreement of the agency, the amendments were approved.


FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION CABINET: Department of Revenue: Office of Income Taxation: Income Tax; General Administration


103 KAR 15:180. Kentucky New Markets Development Program Tax Credit. Laura Ferguson, assistant general counsel; Jeff Mosley, general counsel; and Gary Morris, policy advisor, represented the office.


In response to a question by Senator Pendleton, Mr. Mosley stated that all stakeholder requests for changes to this administrative regulation had been made with the exception of a request that required a statutory change. The office intended to work on the statutory change during the 2011 Regular Session of the General Assembly and then amend the administrative regulation to conform.


A motion was made and seconded to approve the following amendments: (1) to amend the RELATES TO paragraph to correct a statutory citation; (2) to amend the NECESSITY, FUNCTION, AND CONFORMITY paragraph to clearly state the necessity for and function served by this administrative regulation, as required by KRS 13A.220; and (3) to amend Sections 1 through 9 to comply with the drafting and format requirements of KRS Chapter 13A. Without objection, and with agreement of the agency, the amendments were approved.


Office of the Secretary: Purchasing


200 KAR 5:400. Kentucky resident bidder reciprocal preference. Travis Powell, deputy general counsel, and Don Speer, executive director, represented the office.


A motion was made and seconded to approve the following amendments: (1) to amend the RELATES TO paragraph and Sections 2 through 4 to comply with the drafting and format requirements of KRS Chapter 13A. Without objection, and with agreement of the agency, the amendments were approved.




201 KAR 2:165. Transfer of prescription information. Michael Burleson, executive director, represented the board.


Board of Dentistry: Board


201 KAR 8:007E. Repeal of 201 KAR 8:006, 8:015, 8:070, 8:130, 8:135, 8:140, 8:150, 8:160, 8:170, 8:180, 8:185, 8:190, 8:220, 8:225, 8:230, 8:240, 8:250, 8:260, 8:265, 8:270, 8:277, 8:280, 8:290, 8:310, 8:320, 8:330, 8:340, 8:345, 8:350, 8:355, 8:400, 8:420, 8:430, 8:440, 8:450, 8:460, 8:70, and 8:490. Katherine King, DMD and vice president; Susan M. King, DMD and secretary/treasurer; and Brian Bishop, executive director, represented the board.


In response to a question by Senator Pendleton, Mr. Bishop stated that the board had met with stakeholders and held ten (10) town-hall meetings pertaining to these administrative regulations. The board kept the latest versions of these administrative regulations available on its Web site and had informed licensees of the proposed changes through affiliated associations.


In response to questions by Co-Chair Combs, Mr. Bishop stated that the board would communicate directly with licensees to inform them of the proposed amendments. The administrative regulations were filed by the board as emergencies because the statutes were repealed and reenacted and the board did not realize the prior administrative regulations would stay in effect until repealed or amended by the board.


201 KAR 8:510 & E. Advisory opinions.


A motion was made and seconded to approve the following amendments: (1) to amend the RELATES TO; STATUTORY AUTHORITY; and NECESSITY, FUNCTION, AND CONFORMITY paragraphs to correct statutory citations; and (2) to amend Sections 1 through 5 to comply with the drafting and format requirements of KRS Chapter 13A. Without objection, and with agreement of the agency, the amendments were approved.


201 KAR 8:520 & E. Fees and fines.


A motion was made and seconded to approve the following amendments: (1) to amend the RELATES TO; STATUTORY AUTHORITY; and NECESSITY, FUNCTION, AND CONFORMITY paragraphs to correct statutory citations; (2) to amend Section 4(5) to delete provisions for a fifty (50) dollar fee for a paper copy of the Dental Practice Act; (3) to amend Sections 5 and 6 to comply with the format requirements of KRS Chapter 13A; (4) to amend Section 3 to delete the registered dental assistant initial fee for IV access line registration, and (5) to amend Section 5 to: (a) clarify that fines may be agreed to by settlement agreement or as listed in this Section, rather than "in addition to"; (b) limit the fine for a licensee deficient on hours after a continuing education audit to $200 per hour deficient, not to exceed $5,000; (c) lower the fine for failure of a follow-up infection control inspection from $1,000 to $500; (d) change the time frame for a follow-up anesthesia and sedation facility that has failed a previous inspection from no sooner than twenty (20) to no sooner than thirty (30) days following the initial failed inspection; and (e) lower the fine for a follow-up anesthesia and sedation facility inspection after an initial inspection failure from $2,500 to $1,500. Without objection, and with agreement of the agency, the amendments were approved.


201 KAR 8:540 & E. Dental practices.


A motion was made and seconded to approve the following amendments: (1) to amend the RELATES TO; STATUTORY AUTHORITY; and NECESSITY, FUNCTION, AND CONFORMITY paragraphs and Section 3(3) to correct statutory citations; (2) to amend the NECESSITY, FUNCTION, AND CONFORMITY paragraph to clearly state the necessity for and function served by this administrative regulation, as required by KRS 13A.220; and (3) to amend Sections 1 and 3 to comply with the drafting and format requirements of KRS Chapter 13A. Without objection, and with agreement of the agency, the amendments were approved.


Board of Social Work: Board


201 KAR 23:050. Renewal, termination, reinstatement of license. Jim Grawe, assistant attorney general; Margaret Hazlette, executive director; and William Adcock, board member, represented the board.


A motion was made and seconded to approve the following amendments: (1) to amend Section 1 to define "licensee"; (2) to amend Section 1(3) to specify that address changes shall be provided to the board in writing; and (3) to amend the NECESSITY, FUNCTION, AND CONFORMITY paragraph and Sections 1 through 4 to comply with the drafting and format requirements of KRS Chapter 13A. Without objection, and with agreement of the agency, the amendments were approved.


TOURISM, ARTS AND HERITAGE CABINET: Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources: Game


301 KAR 2:221 & E. Waterfowl seasons and limits. Karen Waldrop, wildlife director, represented the department.


301 KAR 2:222 & E. Waterfowl hunting requirements on public lands.




301 KAR 4:050. Swan Lake Unit of Boatwright Wildlife Management Area.


DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE: Office of State Veterinarian: Division of Animal Health: Livestock Sanitation


302 KAR 20:065. Sale and exhibition of Kentucky origin animals in Kentucky. Sue Billings, DVM, deputy state veterinarian; Robert Stout, DVM, state veterinarian; and Clint Quarles, staff attorney, represented the division.


A motion was made and seconded to approve the following amendments: (1) to amend Section 12 to update the name of a form; and (2) to amend Sections 1 and 5 to comply with the drafting and format requirements of KRS Chapter 13A. Without objection, and with agreement of the agency, the amendments were approved.


302 KAR 20:066. Chronic wasting disease surveillance in farmed cervids.


In response to a question by Senator Pendleton, Dr. Stout stated that there had been no reported cases of chronic wasting disease in Kentucky for wild or domesticated animals.


A motion was made and seconded to approve the following amendments: to amend the RELATES TO paragraph and Sections 1 through 9 for clarification, to insert citations, and to comply with the drafting and format requirements of KRS Chapter 13A. Without objection, and with agreement of the agency, the amendments were approved.


TRANSPORTATION CABINET: Department of Vehicle Regulation: Division of Motor Carriers: Motor Vehicle Tax


601 KAR 9:140. Temporary registration plates. Dan Ballard, branch manager, and Ann D'Angelo, assistant general counsel, represented the division.


In response to a question by Senator Pendleton, Ms. D'Angelo stated that the division was making progress regarding discussions with stakeholders relating to 601 KAR 1:018 & E, special overweight or overdimensional permits.


EDUCATION AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT CABINET: Kentucky Board of Education: Department of Education: Office of Instruction


704 KAR 3:303. Required core academic standards. Kevin Brown, general counsel, and Michael Miller, director, Division of Program Standards, represented the department.


704 KAR 3:305. Minimum requirements for high school graduation.


A motion was made and seconded to approve the following amendment: (1) to amend the RELATES TO and STATUTORY AUTHORITY paragraphs to correct statutory citations; (2) to amend the NECESSITY, FUNCTION, AND CONFORMITY paragraph to clearly state the necessity for and function served by this administrative regulation, as required by KRS 13A.220; and (3) to amend Sections 1, 2, 5, and 8 to comply with the drafting and format requirements of KRS Chapter 13A. Without objection, and with agreement of the agency, the amendments were approved.


PUBLIC PROTECTION CABINET: Department of Insurance: Division of Kentucky Access: Health Insurance Contracts


806 KAR 17:320. Kentucky Access requirements. D.J. Wasson, staff assistant, represented the division.


Kentucky Horse Racing Commission: Thoroughbred Racing


810 KAR 1:009 & E. Jockeys and apprentices. Susan Speckert, general counsel, and Timothy West, assistant general counsel, represented the commission.

In response to questions by Co-Chair Combs, Ms. Speckert stated that the commission understood that emergency administrative regulations shall conform to KRS Chapter 13A. The commission met with the Kentucky Jockeys' Guild and with the Kentucky Horsemen's Benevolent and Protective Association, and those stakeholders were in agreement with the proposed amendments.


At the October 12, 2010, meeting of the Administrative Regulation Review Subcommittee, a motion was made and seconded to approve the following amendments: (1) to amend Section 15(4) to delete the new provisions that require disclosure of advertising agreement terms to the commission; (2) to amend the advertising request form, KHRC 009-001, in conformity; (3) to amend Section 14 to specify that a safety vest shall have a tag, stamp, or similar identifying marker indicating that it meets one (1) of the required safety standards; and (4) to amend the RELATES TO, STATUTORY AUTHORITY, and NECESSITY, FUNCTION, AND CONFORMITY paragraphs and Sections 14 to 17 to comply with the drafting and format requirements of KRS Chapter 13A. Without objection, and with agreement of the agency, the amendments were approved.


A motion was made and seconded to approve the following amendments: (1) to amend Section 14(5) to: (a) delete the two (2) pound weight limit for safety vests; and (b) specify that a safety vest shall meet or exceed one (1) of the listed safety standards; and (2) to amend Section 15 to comply with the drafting and format requirements of KRS Chapter 13A. Without objection, and with agreement of the agency, the amendments were approved.


810 KAR 1:026 & E. Racing associations.


At the October 12, 2010, meeting of the Administrative Regulation Review Subcommittee, a motion was made and seconded to approve the following amendments: (1) to amend Section 31 to specify that a safety vest shall have a tag, stamp, or similar identifying marker indicating that it meets one (1) of the required safety standards; and (2) to amend the RELATES TO; STATUTORY AUTHORITY; and NECESSITY, FUNCTION, AND CONFORMITY paragraphs and Sections 21, 28, 30, 31, 36, and 37 to comply with the drafting and format requirements of KRS Chapter 13A. Without objection, and with agreement of the agency, the amendments were approved.


A motion was made and seconded to approve the following amendments: to amend Section 31 to: (a) specify that a safety vest shall meet or exceed one (1) of the listed safety standards; and (b) make a technical correction. Without objection, and with agreement of the agency, the amendments were approved.


810 KAR 1:130. Postrace sampling and testing procedures.


A motion was made and seconded to approve the following amendments: to amend Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8 to comply with the drafting and format requirements of KRS Chapter 13A. Without objection, and with agreement of the agency, the amendments were approved.


Harness Racing


811 KAR 1:220. Harness racing at county fairs.


A motion was made and seconded to approve the following amendments: to amend the NECESSITY, FUNCTION, AND CONFORMITY paragraph and Sections 1, 12, 13, 15, 17, 21, and 24 to comply with the drafting and format requirements of KRS Chapter 13A. Without objection, and with agreement of the agency, the amendments were approved.


811 KAR 1:260. Postrace sampling and testing procedures.


A motion was made and seconded to approve the following amendments: to amend Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8 to comply with the drafting and format requirements of KRS Chapter 13A. Without objection, and with agreement of the agency, the amendments were approved.


Quarter Horse, Appaloosa and Arabian Racing


811 KAR 2:170. Postrace sampling and testing procedures.


A motion was made and seconded to approve the following amendments: to amend Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8 to comply with the drafting and format requirements of KRS Chapter 13A. Without objection, and with agreement of the agency, the amendments were approved.


Department of Housing, Buildings and Construction: Division of Building Code Enforcement: Electrical Inspectors


815 KAR 35:100. Electrical continuing education procedure. Michael D. Bennett, staff attorney, and Dawn Bellis, general counsel, represented the division.


A motion was made and seconded to approve the following amendments: to amend Sections 3 and 6 to comply with the drafting and format requirements of KRS Chapter 13A; and (2) to revise the forms incorporated by reference to make technical corrections. Without objection, and with agreement of the agency, the amendments were approved.


CABINET FOR HEALTH AND FAMILY SERVICES: Department for Public Health: Division of Adult and Child Health Improvement: Kentucky Early Intervention System


902 KAR 30:001 & E. Definitions. Paula Goff, Part C coordinator, represented the division.


In response to questions by Senator Givens, Ms. Goff stated that the federal statutes that authorize the First Steps program were revised in 2004. Kentucky had been in special circumstances with federal administrators until Kentucky's administrative regulations could be amended commensurate with the federal changes. Also, new technologies precipitated changes to the forms and processing requirements. The division was pleased with the new system, TOTS, which was more efficient than expected. The data management system tracked each child in First Steps from referral to discharge, enabled the division to track funding for the program and engage in meaningful quality assurance, and compiled information for reporting information, including data needed for Medicaid billing.


In response to a question by Co-Chair Tori, Ms. Goff stated that most children in the program were between eighteen (18) months and twenty (20) months of age at the time of referral and were in the program for an average of one (1) year and six (6) months. A smaller percentage of children were referred at birth due to medical conditions identified at birth.


A motion was made and seconded to approve the following amendments: (1) to amend the RELATES TO and STATUTORY AUTHORITY paragraphs to correct statutory citations; (2) to amend the NECESSITY, FUNCTION, AND CONFORMITY paragraph to clearly state the necessity for and function served by this administrative regulation, as required by KRS 13A.220; (3) to amend the TITLE and Section 1 to comply with the drafting and format requirements of KRS Chapter 13A; and (4) to amend Section 1 to add definitions for “cabinet-approved criterion referenced instrument”, “cabinet-approved screening protocol”, “First Steps data management system”, “Kentucky Early Childhood Data System”, “Part C coordinator”, and “record review team”. Without objection, and with agreement of the agency, the amendments were approved.


902 KAR 30:110 & E. Point of entry and service coordination.


A motion was made and seconded to approve the following amendments: (1) to amend the RELATES TO and STATUTORY AUTHORITY paragraphs to correct statutory citations; (2) to amend the NECESSITY, FUNCTION, AND CONFORMITY paragraph to clearly state the necessity for and function served by this administrative regulation, as required by KRS 13A.220; (3) to amend Sections 1 through 4 to comply with the drafting and format requirements of KRS Chapter 13A; and (4) to update the material incorporated by reference. Without objection, and with agreement of the agency, the amendments were approved.


902 KAR 30:120 & E. Evaluation and eligibility.


A motion was made and seconded to approve the following amendments: (1) to amend the RELATES TO and STATUTORY AUTHORITY paragraphs to correct statutory citations; (2) to amend Sections 1 through 4 to comply with the drafting and format requirements of KRS Chapter 13A; (3) to amend Section 1 to establish the criteria for approved neonatal follow-up program teams and intensive level evaluation teams; (4) to amend Section 2 to specify the three (3) assessment instruments approved by the cabinet; and (5) to amend Section 4 to incorporate by reference the three approved assessment instruments and the First Steps Established Risk Condition List. Without objection, and with agreement of the agency, the amendments were approved.


902 KAR 30:130 & E. Assessment, service planning, and assistive technology.


A motion was made and seconded to approve the following amendments: (1) to amend the RELATES TO and STATUTORY AUTHORITY paragraphs to correct statutory citations; (2) to amend the NECESSITY, FUNCTION, AND CONFORMITY paragraph to clearly state the necessity for and function served by this administrative regulation, as required by KRS 13A.220; (3) to amend Sections 1 through 4 to comply with the drafting and format requirements of KRS Chapter 13A; (4) to amend Section 2 to specify that services shall be limited to one hour per day, rather than one hour per week; (5) to amend Section 3 to establish the requirements for assistive technology services, including the review process; and (6) to amend Section 4 to incorporate by reference the Individualized Family Service Plan. Without objection, and with agreement of the agency, the amendments were approved.


902 KAR 30:141. Repeal of 902 KAR 30:140 and 30:170.


902 KAR 30:150 & E. Personnel qualification.


A motion was made and seconded to approve the following amendments: (1) to amend the RELATES TO and STATUTORY AUTHORITY paragraphs to correct statutory citations; (2) to amend the NECESSITY, FUNCTION, AND CONFORMITY paragraph to clearly state the necessity for and function served by this administrative regulation, as required by KRS 13A.220; (3) to amend Sections 1 through 4 to comply with the drafting and format requirements of KRS Chapter 13A; (4) to amend Section 1 to clearly establish the application requirements; and (5) to amend Section 2 to re-insert licensed psychologists, certified psychologists with autonomous functioning, and licensed psychological practitioners to the list of personnel who may provide services. Without objection, and with agreement of the agency, the amendments were approved.


902 KAR 30:160 & E. Covered services.


A motion was made and seconded to approve the following amendments: (1) to amend the RELATES TO and STATUTORY AUTHORITY paragraphs to correct statutory citations; (2) to amend the NECESSITY, FUNCTION, AND CONFORMITY paragraph to clearly state the necessity for and function served by this administrative regulation, as required by KRS 13A.220; and (3) to amend Section 1 to: (a) comply with the drafting and format requirements of KRS Chapter 13A; (b) specify which services may be provided without the child being present; and (c) add to the list of disciplines that provide early intervention professionals who are licensed psychologists, physicians, optometrists, and ophthalmologists. Without objection, and with agreement of the agency, the amendments were approved.


902 KAR 30:180 & E. Procedural safeguards.


A motion was made and seconded to approve the following amendments: (1) to amend the RELATES TO and STATUTORY AUTHORITY paragraphs to correct statutory citations; (2) to amend the NECESSITY, FUNCTION, AND CONFORMITY paragraph to clearly state the necessity for and function served by this administrative regulation, as required by KRS 13A.220; (3) to amend Sections 1 through 5 to comply with the drafting and format requirements of KRS Chapter 13A; and (4) to amend Section 5 to incorporate by reference the First Steps Complaint Form and the Mediation/Due Process Request Form. Without objection, and with agreement of the agency, the amendments were approved.


902 KAR 30:200 & E. Coverage and payment for services.


A motion was made and seconded to approve the following amendments: (1) to amend the RELATES TO and STATUTORY AUTHORITY paragraphs to correct statutory citations; (2) to amend Sections 1 through 5 to comply with the drafting and format requirements of KRS Chapter 13A; (3) to amend Section 2 to reinsert licensed psychologists to the list of providers who shall be reimbursed for services; (4) to amend Section 3 to specify when early intervention family services authorized by KRS 200.654(7) may be provided without the child present; (5) to amend Section 6 to incorporate by reference the record review supporting documentation; and (6) to amend Section 2 to change the reimbursement paid to licensed psychological associates or certified psychologists for services by increasing from: (a) $46 to $61 the reimbursement for services provided in an office or center-based site; and (b) $70 to $81 the reimbursement for services provided in a home or community site. Without objection, and with agreement of the agency, the amendments were approved.


Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities: Division of Behavioral Health: Mental Health


908 KAR 2:230. Kentucky family peer support specialist. I.J. Eneje, internal policy analyst, and Janice Johnston, administrator, Behavioral Health Program, represented the division.


A motion was made and seconded to approve the following amendments: to amend the RELATES TO; STATUTORY AUTHORITY; NECESSITY, FUNCTION, AND CONFORMITY paragraphs; Sections 1 through 7; and Section 9 to comply with the drafting and format requirements of KRS Chapter 13A. Without objection, and with agreement of the agency, the amendments were approved.


The following administrative regulations were deferred to the January 11, 2011, meeting of the Subcommittee:


FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION CABINET: Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System: General Rules


102 KAR 1:225. General compliance with federal tax laws.


102 KAR 1:230. Limitations on benefits.


102 KAR 1:245. Rollovers and transfers of contributions to other plans.


Department of Revenue: Office of Sales and Excise Taxes: Forms


103 KAR 3:050. Miscellaneous taxes forms manual.




201 KAR 8:390E. General anesthesia, deep sedation, and conscious sedation by dentists.


201 KAR 8:500 & E. Board organization.


201 KAR 8:530 & E. Licensure of dentists.


201 KAR 8:560 & E. Licensure of dental hygienists.


Board of Licensure for Private Investigators: Board


201 KAR 41:100. Verification of 240 hour employees.


TRANSPORTATION CABINET: Department of Vehicle Regulation: Division of Motor Carriers: Division


601 KAR 1:018 & E. Special overweight or overdimensional permits.


LABOR CABINET: Department of Workers' Claims: Department


803 KAR 25:089. Workers' compensation medical fee schedule for physicians.


803 KAR 25:091 & E. Workers' compensation hospital fee schedule.


PUBLIC PROTECTION CABINET: Kentucky Horse Racing Commission: Thoroughbred Racing


810 KAR 1:001. Definitions.


810 KAR 1:011. Pari-mutuel wagering.


810 KAR 1:120. Exotic wagering.


Harness Racing


811 KAR 1:005. Definitions.


811 KAR 1:125. Pari-mutuel wagering.


811 KAR 1:250. Exotic wagering.


Quarter Horse, Appaloosa and Arabian Racing


811 KAR 2:010. Definitions.


811 KAR 2:060. Pari-mutuel wagering.


811 KAR 2:160. Exotic wagering.


CABINET FOR HEALTH AND FAMILY SERVICES: Department for Mental Health and Mental Retardation Services: Division of Administration and Financial Management: Institutional Care


908 KAR 3:050. Per diem rates. Ray Peters, program administrator, represented the division.


In response to a question by Senator Kerr, Mr. Peters stated that the division needed to verify the rates in the proposed amendment before continuing with Subcommittee consideration of this administrative regulation. The division requested deferral of this administrative regulation.


A motion was made and seconded to approve the following amendments: to amend the STATUTORY AUTHORITY paragraph and Section 1 to comply with the drafting requirements of KRS Chapter 13A. Without objection, and with agreement of the agency, the amendments were approved.


A motion was made and seconded to defer consideration of this administrative regulation to the January 11, 2011 meeting of the Subcommittee. Without objection, and with agreement of the agency, this administrative regulation was deferred.


The subcommittee adjourned at 1:50 p.m. until January 11, 2011.