Minutes of the 494th Meeting


 January 12, 2000


The 494th Legislative Research Commission met on Wednesday, January 12, 2000, at 12:30 p.m., in Room 327 of the Capitol. Representative Jody Richards, Chair, called the meeting to order, and the secretary called the roll.


Present were:


Members: Representative Jody Richards, Presiding Officer; Senators David Boswell, Charlie Borders, Dan Kelly, Marshall Long, Richard "Dick" Roeding, Elizabeth Tori, and David Williams; Representatives Woody Allen, Joe Barrows, Jim Callahan, Larry Clark, Danny Ford, and Jeff Hoover.


LRC Staff:  Bobby Sherman, Director; and Diana Hill.


A motion was made by Senator Long, seconded by Representative Clark and duly passed without objection, to approve the minutes of the December 1, 1999 meeting.


Under Staff and Committee Reports, a motion was made by Senator Williams, seconded by Senator Tori and duly passed without objection, to accept and refer items A. through H. as indicated.


A.        Information requests.


B.        Interim activity report for December, 1999.


C.        Report of the Administrative Regulation Review Subcommittee meeting of December 14, 1999.


D.        Report of administrative regulations from the Interim Joint Committees on Agriculture and Natural Resources and Health and Welfare.


E.         Review of Executive Reorganization Order 99-1513 from the Interim Joint Committee on Health and Welfare.


F.         Report of Findings and Recommendations adopted by the Special Task Force on Electricity Restructuring from Senator Larry Saunders, Representative Larry Clark, and Jack Conway, Co-Chairs, to the Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources and House Tourism and Energy Committees.


G.        Final Report of the Special Task Force on Parenting and Child Custody from Senator David Karem and Representative Eleanor Jordan, Co-Chairs, to the Senate Judiciary and House Judiciary Committees.


H.        Final Report of the Subcommittee on Teleconferencing from Senator Julie Rose and Representative Jimmie Lee, Co-Chairs, to the Senate State and Local Government and House State Government Committees.


Under New Business, a motion was made by Senator Long, seconded by Senator Tori and passed without objection, to approve item A. and item B.


A.        From Representative Brent Yonts, Chair, Government Contract Review Committee: request for change of meeting date and time from the fourth Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. to the second Monday of each month upon adjournment of both chambers during the 2000 Session.


B.        From Representative Mary Lou Marzian, Chair, Task Force on Local Government Organization in Counties Containing a City of the First Class: request for extension to meet through January, 2000, to complete the committee's work.


Under Communications, a motion was made by Senator Kelly, seconded by Senator Tori and passed without objection, to accept items A. through M. and refer as indicated.


A.        From the Office of Financial Management, Finance and Administration Cabinet: Letters certifying that no appropriation of state general funds will be required for the Baptist Convalescent Center, Inc., Project or the Henderson County Health Care Corporation Project, to the Senate Appropriations and Revenue and House Appropriations and Revenue Committees.


B.        From the Finance and Administration Cabinet, Office of the Controller: Surtax Receipts Statements for the Law Enforcement and Professional Firefighters Foundation Fund Programs for the months of July, August, September, and October, 1999, and year-to-date activity for the period July 1, 1999, through October 31, 1999, to the Senate Appropriations and Revenue and House Appropriations and Revenue Committees.


C.        From the Finance and Administration Cabinet, Office of the Controller: Surtax Receipts Statement for the Law Enforcement and Professional Firefighters Foundation Fund Programs for the month of November, 1999, and year-to-date activity for the period July 1, 1999, through November 30, 1999, to the Senate Appropriations and Revenue and House Appropriations and Revenue Committees.


D.        From the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority:  Audited financial statements for the Kentucky Educational Savings Plan Trust for fiscal year ended June 30, 1999, to the Senate Appropriations and Revenue and House Appropriations and Revenue Committees.


E.         From the Cabinet for Health Services, Department for Medicaid Services: Drug Management Review Advisory Board's Approved Recommendations, to the Senate Health and Welfare and House Health and Welfare Committees.


F.         From the Department of Insurance: 1999 Report on the Credit Life and Health Insurance Task Force, to the Senate Banking and Insurance and House Banking and Insurance Committees.


G.        From the Department of Insurance: Report on the Guaranteed Acceptance Program, to the Senate Banking and Insurance and House Banking and Insurance Committees.


H.        From the Office of the Attorney General: Report of constitutional challenges for the month of November 1999, to the Senate Judiciary and House Judiciary Committees.


I.          From the Cabinet for Economic Development, Department of Financial Incentives: Loan data sheets for quarter ending December 31, 1999, to the Senate Appropriations and Revenue and House Appropriations and Revenue Committees.


J.         From the University of Kentucky Tobacco Health Research Institute: Annual Report from July 1, 1999 through June 30, 1999, to the Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources and House Agriculture and Small Business Committees.


K.        From the Cabinet for Health Services: Drug Management Review Advisory Board: Approved recommendations, to the Senate Health and Welfare and House Health and Welfare Committees.


L.         From the Kentucky Legislative Ethics Commission: Legislative Ethics Commission Annual Report 1998-99, to the Senate State and Local Government and House State Government Committees.


M.       From the Department of Revenue: Kentucky Enterprise Zone Program report, to the Senate House Appropriations and Revenue and House Appropriations and Revenue Committees.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:45 p.m.