Legislative Research Commission


Minutes of the<MeetNo1> 550th Meeting


<MeetMDY1> September 23, 2015


Call to Order and Roll Call

The<MeetNo2> 550th meeting of the Legislative Research Commission was held on<Day> Wednesday,<MeetMDY2> September 23, 2015, at<MeetTime> 10:00 AM, in<Room> Room 125 of the Capitol Annex. Representative Greg Stumbo, Chair, called the meeting to order, and the secretary called the roll.


Present were:


Members:<Members> Senator Robert Stivers II, Co-Chair; Representative Greg Stumbo, Co-Chair; Senators Julian M. Carroll, David P. Givens, Jimmy Higdon, Ray S. Jones II, Dan "Malano" Seum, and Damon Thayer; Representatives Rocky Adkins, Jim DeCesare, Jeff Hoover, Stan Lee, Sannie Overly, and Jody Richards.




LRC Staff: Robert Jenkins and Christy Glass.


There being a quorum present, Representative Stumbo called for a motion to approve the minutes of the September 2, 2015, meeting, and approve item A. under New Business. Representative Stumbo advised the members that attached to their agenda was a contract offered for approval today to David Byerman. Representative Stumbo reviewed several items in the contract, including Mr. Byerman’s salary and the customary five percent raise after a six month probationary period. The contract’s term is for two years, and has a termination provision with a two-thirds vote of the Commission. If the contract is terminated without cause, then Mr. Byerman will be paid the balance of the contract. If the contract is terminated with cause, the balance will be not be paid. Mr. Byerman will be paid $20,000 for moving and living expenses, and will be required to submit invoices to support the expenses.


A motion was made by Representative Richards and seconded by Senator Carroll. Representative Stumbo called for any discussion.


Senator Stivers said he would like to compliment Becky Harilson and Steve Collins for working well together as co-directors. One of the things he and the Speaker had discussed with Mr. Byerman is that Becky and Steve have been giving him and the Speaker a weekly update on personnel actions, additional acquisitions, and expenditures that may not have been foreseen. Senator Stivers said this process has been good and fair between the respective chambers, and this type of update is going to continue. Senator Stivers said that this was a “new day” and the way they were going to proceed, and that it had been more transparent than previously. Senator Stivers then thanked Representative Stumbo and his staff and the members of the LRC with how they had conducted themselves, and how they want to move forward.


Representative Stumbo offered his compliments to the President and his staff and the members of the search committee. Representative Stumbo said he thinks they have made a good choice, and that Mr. Byerman brings a wealth of legislative experience. He is an accomplished parliamentarian, having been recognized by national organizations. Mr. Byerman has ran the Nevada Senate personnel, which is similar to the Legislative Research Commission. Mr. Byerman had been given positive recommendations by the Republican Lt. Governor and the Democratic Majority Leader, who was Majority Leader while Mr. Byerman was Clerk of the Senate. Representative Stumbo said he thinks this means that Mr. Byerman can work in a bipartisan manner, and that Mr. Byerman understands the sensitivity of that process, particularly at LRC, where there is a division as to parties controlling the chambers.


Representative Stumbo said that Mr. Byerman had done his research on the staff at LRC, and was very complimentary of the staff. He said Mr. Byerman had spoken with his peers in other states, had commented that LRC has an excellent employee base, and stated that there should be fairness in the system so as to move forward.


A roll call vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.