Special Advisory Commission of Senior Citizens


Executive Committee


Minutes of the<MeetNo1> 1st Meeting

of the 2004 Interim


<MeetMDY1> April 5, 2004


The<MeetNo2> first meeting of the Executive Committee of the Special Advisory Commission of Senior Citizens in 2004 was held on<Day> Monday,<MeetMDY2> April 5, 2004, at<MeetTime> 1:00 PM, in<Room> Room 327 of the Capitol. Joe Bishop, Chair, called the meeting to order.


Present were:


Members:<Members> Joe Bishop, Chair; Phil Hulsman, Vice Chair; Peggy Baldridge, Frank Hatfield, Abby Marlatt, Pete McNeill, Jean Phelps, Esther Rigby, Jeane Robertson, and Ray Roundtree.


Guest:  Andrew Stukenborg.


LRC Staff:  Katie Carney, Eric Clark, Gerard Donovan, Gilmore Dutton, and Louis Pierce.


Chairman Bishop welcomed the members and staff to the Commission's Executive Committee meeting. Chairman Bishop stated that the purpose of the meeting was to review agendas for the Commission's general sessions and subcommittee meetings on Thursday and Friday, May 6-7, 2004.


Chairman Bishop suggested that one or two members of the Executive Committee be selected to meet with new members to explain the mission and work of the Commission and to assist them in becoming orientated in the Commission's operations..


Dr. Marlatt commented that she was pleased that Joan Veazey had been appointed by NARFE to replace her husband and former chairman of the Commission, Robert Veazey.


Ms. Robertson asked if a list of the new members was in the folders. Chairman Bishop replied that it was. Ms. Robertson asked if a list could be created in the future to notate the new members assigned to the five subcommittees and the members that are no longer on the Commission or that individual Subcommittee.


Chairman Bishop directed the members' attention to several documents contained in their meeting folders, namely: minutes of the October 10, 2003, Executive Committee meeting; updated membership lists; a listing of newly-appointed members; and a proposed agenda for the May 6-7, 2003, full Commission meeting.


Chairman Bishop asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the Executive Committee meeting on October 10, 2003. Ms. Phelps moved to approve the minutes as written. There were multiple seconds. The minutes were approved.


Chairman Bishop recognized Mr. Dutton for a review of the agenda for the Commission's general sessions on May 6-7, 2004. Mr. Dutton announced that the elections for the position of Commission Chair and Vice Chair would be held during the General Session on Thursday afternoon, May 6, 2004. Mr. Dutton stated that nominations will be taken from the floor for the position of Commission Chair and Vice Chair. He also announced that after the General Session meeting on Thursday, the Regional Coordinating Committees will meet and select a Coordinator.


Mr. Dutton stated that profiles of the candidates nominated for Commission Chair and Vice Chair will be mailed to the full membership on April 6, 2004. Mr. Dutton announced that the first item on the Subcommittees' agendas on Thursday, May 6, 2004, will be elections for the positions of Subcommittee Chair and Vice Chair. and that the elections will be by secret ballot. The Subcommittees' will also select a representative to serve on the Nominating Committee, and that election can be by secret ballot or voice vote.


Mr. Dutton reviewed the election procedures with the Executive Committee, stating that a current officer that has served a full term is not eligible to be re-elected to the same position they currently hold. However, the officer can be elected to serve as Subcommittee Chair if they currently held the position of Subcommittee Vice Chair and vice versa.


Mr. Dutton announced that the speaker for the Thursday evening session would be Ms. Fran Spain from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Ms. Spain is nationally recognized as a humorist and motivational speaker. Mr. Dutton added that Ms. Spain is an advocate for senior citizens. The topic of Ms. Spain's program will be "Is It Anybody I Know". Mr. Dutton stated that the rest of the agenda would be made up of standard items.


Chairman Bishop recognized Mr. Frank Hatfield, Vice Chair for the Consumer Affairs Subcommittee. Mr. Hatfield deferred to Mr. Gerard Donovan, staff for the subcommittee, who reported that the subcommittee's May agenda, following the elections of Subcommittee Chair, Vice Chair, and Nominating Committee representative, will include the following:


(1)       A discussion with Frank Hatfield, Subcommittee Vice Chair, on Medicare                               prescription drug benefits;

(2)       A discussion with Todd Leatherman, Office of Attorney General, on the                                   country's gas prices and gas price gouging; and

(3)       An open discussion to determine the subcommittee's Legislative                                               recommendations.


Chairman Bishop recognized Ms. Jeane Robertson, Chair of the Health and Human Services Subcommittee, who reported that the subcommittee's May agenda, following the elections of Subcommittee Chair, Vice Chair, and Nominating Committee representative, will include the following:


(1)       Introduction of James Holsinger, Secretary, Cabinet for Health and Human                             Services;

(2)       A discussion with Representative Jimmie Lee on House Bill 116 that                           passed the 2004 Regular Session of the General Assembly, and on House                          Bill 105 that did not passed the 2004 Regular Session of the General                                             Assembly;

(3)       A report from a representative of the Justice Cabinet relating to releasing                                prisoners on medical parole, highlighting the eligibility and funding for the                             program; and

(4)       An open discussion to determine the subcommittee's Legislative                                               recommendations.


Mr. Dutton inquired about the criteria for a medical parole. Ms. Robertson replied that she does not know, and that is why the Subcommittee has requested the report.


Mr. Hatfield commented that this issue was part of Steve Pence's campaign platform related to reducing prison populations.


Ms. Robertson said she wonders what the cost is for keeping someone in prison.


Ms. Rigby asked who would care for prisoners released on medical parole. Ms. Rigby stated that taxpayers may still be paying medical costs of parolees. Ms. Robertson replied that it may be cheaper releasing prisoners on medical parole than keeping them in prison.


Ms. Phelps commented that releasing prisoners on medical parole would increase the workload of probation and parole officers.


Dr. Hulsman announced that he had brought a pamphlet to the meeting from AARP. Dr. Hulsman added that he and Mr. Hatfield have been traveling around the state providing senior citizens information on social security and prescription drugs.


Chairman Bishop recognized Mr. Ray Roundtree, Chair of the Insurance Subcommittee, who reported that the subcommittee's May agenda, following the elections of Subcommittee Chair, Vice Chair, and Nominating Committee representative, will include the following:


(1)       An update from Ms. Rhonda Franklin, subcommittee staff, on insurance                                   related bills from the 2004 Regular Session of the Kentucky General                                       Assembly;

(2)       A discussion with Mr. Frank Hatfield on Medicare prescription drug                                         coverage;

(3)       A discussion with a representative from the Office of Insurance regarding                               efforts the Office has made to control health care costs; and

(4)       An open discussion to determine the subcommittee's Legislative                                               recommendations.


Mr. Roundtree commented that at a recent committee meeting of the Kentucky General Assembly, State Budget Director, Brad Cowgill, announced that national projections for healthcare costs would rise 13.5% in 2005, and an additional 16% in 2006.


Chairman Bishop recognized Mr. Pete McNeill, Chair of the Taxation Subcommittee, who reported that the Subcommittee's May agenda, following the elections of Subcommittee Chair, Vice Chair, and Nominating Committee representative, will include the following:


(1)       A spokesman from the Executive Branch to discuss and explain the                                           Governor's proposed tax modernization bill;

(2)       A discussion of House Bill 310, relating to cigarette taxes; and

(3)       An open discussion to determine the subcommittee's Legislative                                               recommendations.


Chairman Bishop recognized Ms. Esther Rigby, Chair of the Transportation Subcommittee, who reported that the Subcommittee's May agenda, following the elections of Subcommittee Chair, Vice Chair, and Nominating Committee representative, will include the following:


(1)       A representative from the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet to give an                          overview of Kentucky's Medical Review Board (which reviews cases of                           persons with a disability that impairs their ability to drive a motor vehicle);

(2)       A representative from the Kentucky State Police to give an overview of                                   ATV laws and related issues;

(3)       An update from Mr. John Snyder, subcommittee staff, on income tax                            check-off receipts and headlight standards;

(4)       An update from Mr. Snyder on transportation bills from the 2004 Regular                               Session of the Kentucky General Assembly; and

(5)       An open discussion to determine the subcommittee's Legislative                                               recommendations.


Ms. Rigby asked staff to relay to Mr. Snyder her and the Executive Committee's concern for the illness in his family.


Chairman Bishop announced that the upcoming meeting is scheduled for May 6-7, 2004, and the following meeting will be held on November 4-5, 2004.


Dr. Marlatt commented that taxes may need to be increased and that citizens and lawmakers should bite the bullet and accept higher taxes. She suggested consideration of taxing higher levels of retirement income. She added that low income citizens should not pay taxes on their retirement income, however, at a certain level of total income retirement income should be taxed.


Mr. Hatfield commented that there is a cap on the exemption for retirement income at $40,200.


Mr. Roundtree stated that this cap was put into place in 1998 and has continued since then.


Mr. Hatfield stated that special consideration should be given to caps on exemptions for state and federal annuities.


Mr. Hatfield commented that teachers are in a different situation because they do not receive social security benefits, and this fact should also be taken into consideration.


Chairman Bishop asked if there was any other business to come before the committee.


Mr. Dutton reminded members to turn in their travel vouchers.


Chairman Bishop asked for a motion to adjourn. Dr. Hulsman and Ms. Robertson motioned to adjourn, seconded by Ms. Baldridge. The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 1:45 p.m.