Special Advisory Commission of Senior Citizens


Senior Citizens Executive Committee


Minutes of the<MeetNo1> First Meeting

of the 2005 Interim


<MeetMDY1> April 12, 2005


The<MeetNo2> spring, semiannual meeting of the Executive Committee of the Special Advisory Commission of Senior Citizens was held on<Day> Tuesday,<MeetMDY2> April 12, 2005, at<MeetTime> 1:00 p.m., in<Room> Room 327 of the Capitol. Bert Sisk, Chair, called the meeting to order.


Present were:


Members:<Members> Bert Sisk, Chair; Laurel True, Vice Chair; Peggy Baldridge, Frank Hatfield, Carolyn Horn, Phil Hulsman, Pete McNeill, Norman Pallarito, Jean Phelps, and Jim Terrell.


Guests:  Rhonda Davis, Director, Agency on Aging, Bluegrass Area Development District; and Mary Crawley-Smith, Assistant Director, Agency on Aging, Bluegrass Area Development District.


LRC Staff: Katie Carney, Eric Clark, Gerard Donovan, Gilmore Dutton, Rhonda Franklin, Charlotte Quarles, and Jim Roberts.


Chairman Sisk welcomed the members and staff to the Commission's Executive Committee meeting. Chairman Sisk introduced Rhonda Davis and Mary Crawley-Smith with the Bluegrass Area Development District. He mentioned the two ladies were his guests and that he had asked them to help answer any questions the members might have regarding Kentucky's senior citizens' service programs. Chairman Sisk stated that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss agendas for the Commission's general sessions and subcommittee meetings on Thursday and Friday, May 12-13, 2005.


Chairman Sisk called the members' attention to the various membership lists in their folders, including a list of the new members that had been appointed to the Commission since its last meeting in November 2004.


Jean Phelps made a motion to approve the minutes from the October 4, 2004, Executive Committee meeting, seconded by Pete McNeill. The minutes were approved.


Chairman Sisk recognized Gilmore Dutton for a proposed amendment to Article V of the Commission bylaws. Mr. Dutton informed members that the amendment is a technical change. Mr. Dutton stated that the bylaws currently state that elections of Commission officers take place following a regular session of the Kentucky General Assembly. He added that since the Kentucky General Assembly now has a regular session annually, language was needed to clarify that the election of Commission officers would take place following an even-year session of the Kentucky General Assembly. Mr. Dutton informed the members that an amendment to the bylaws has to be approved by the general membership. He clarified that an amendment can only be placed on the full Commission meeting agenda for consideration upon recommendation from the Executive Committee. Laurel True made a motion to place the amendment for consideration on the May 2005, Commission agenda, seconded by Frank Hatfield. The motion passed.


Chairman Sisk recognized Mr. Dutton for the purpose of ascertaining the sense of the Executive Committee regarding continuation of the pre and post meeting press releases. Mr. Dutton explained the purpose of the press releases is to inform local communities through the local media of the activities of the Commission. Mr. Dutton stated that the effectiveness of the effort is measured by the number of newspaper articles appearing in local newspapers forwarded by the members to his office, and that in the last several years only a small number of articles had been received. Mr. Dutton asked the members for their comments regarding continuation of the press releases.


Ms. Phelps replied that she thinks the are needed, but maybe not prior to each meeting. She stated that in her area it is sometimes hard to have the local papers print the press releases. She does not believe that the problem is with members not taking the releases to the media.


Peggy Baldridge stated that in the past it was hard to have the Ashland area papers print the releases, however after the past November meeting she was able to get the press release printed. She stated that the paper had hired a new journalist that was very enthusiastic about the Commission.


Norman Pallarito suggested that newspapers might be more apt to printing the press release if it was delivered to the paper in person rather than mailing it.


Mr. Dutton asked members if they thought it was more effective to continue the post meeting press release but not the pre meeting press release. Members agreed that they rarely see the pre meeting press release published in their local papers.


Mr. Pallarito suggested a generic paragraph in the press release so that then members can insert their name and the county they reside in.


A suggestion was made to have a post meeting press release that includes recommendations adopted by the Commission. Mr. Dutton stated that the post meeting press release was created after the Thursday evening dinner session and made available to the members the following morning, prior to the adoption of the recommendations, so a change would have to be made in the schedule to include recommendations adopted. The Committee agreed to have the post meeting press release mailed to the full Commission membership after the meeting, in order to include recommendations that were adopted.


Mr. Dutton thanked the members for their suggestions and stated that the post meeting press release would be completed after the recommendations were adopted at the Commission's closing general session. He added that staff would incorporate some recommendations into the press release and mail to the full membership for distribution to their local newspapers within a few days after the meeting.


Chairman Sisk recognized Mr. True for the purpose of ascertaining the sense of the Executive Committee mailing subcommittee agendas and issue briefs to the membership prior to a meeting. Mr. True explained that at the November 2004 meeting the subcommittee agendas and issue briefs were mailed to the entire membership for the first time. He added that he received a lot of good feedback from the membership and was wondering how the Executive Committee felt on continuing this practice. After brief discussion the Executive Committee agreed to continue mailing the subcommittee agendas and issue briefs prior to each full commission meeting. Mr. True noted that having the documents in a standard format would be beneficial. Mr. Dutton stated that subcommittee staff prepares each of the subcommittee's agendas and he would work on a standard format with staff.


Chairman Sisk recognized Mr. Dutton for a review of the agenda for the Commission's meeting on May 12-13, 2005. Mr. Dutton stated that the general session would include an address by the Attorney General and will follow with a question and answer session.


A question was asked if the Attorney General would speak on a specific topic. Mr. Dutton stated that he had submitted a list of topics that were of interest to the Commission and would be submitting to the Attorney General's office any additional topics that would be of interest.


Mr. Dutton informed the members that at the evening's dinner session the Honorable Ray Corns is scheduled to speak. He added that Mr. Corns is a former circuit judge of Franklin County and is also a nationally known humorist.


Mr. True stated that the agenda does not coincide with the Executive Committee's idea of having an opening general session theme. He added that he was under the impression that the Attorney General would be speaking the second day at the closing general session as a way to entice Commission members to be present at the meeting.


Mr. True stated that one of the themes discussed was funding for various aging organizations. Mr. True suggested inviting an additional speaker from a nationally known organization to discuss funding needs. A suggestion was made to amend the agenda to include a joint meeting of subcommittees after the opening general session on Thursday afternoon. In the joint meeting of subcommittees the members could hear from speakers on funding for senior citizen centers and Area Agencies on Aging. The Executive Committee decided to keep the opening general session on Thursday as is, have a short break, then to have a joint meeting of subcommittees, another break, and then start the individual subcommittee meetings at 3:45 to last until 4:30 or 5:00. The dinner session will start as noted at 6:00. The Executive Committee also agreed to have speakers invited to the joint meeting of subcommittees to discuss funding for senior citizen centers and the Area Agencies on Aging.


Mr. Pallarito suggested that the April Executive Committee meeting become a planning meeting for that year's November full Commission meeting. He added that the October Executive Committee meeting should be a planning meeting for the next year's May full Commission meeting.


Mr. Hatfield commented that the Subcommittee's produce too many broad recommendations. He suggested that fewer more defined recommendations be adopted.


Ms. Baldridge suggested amending the agenda for Friday morning's closing general session to include recognizing the Area Development District's Directors of Aging Services for brief statements.


Mr. True suggested inviting Mr. Bill Cooper again to speak at one of the Commission's general sessions.


Mr. Hatfield suggested allowing more time for the opening general session if there would be two speakers present.


Phil Hulsman suggested not having subcommittee meetings on Thursday and to double the time allotted for the subcommittees to meet on Friday. He added this would give subcommittees the time needed to develop and define their recommendations based upon the speakers' comments at the general sessions on Thursday.


Mr. True asked if Rhonda Davis and Mary Crawley-Smith would compile information on Kentucky's Area Agencies on Aging relating to data on hand in the areas of homecare, adult day care, and personal care attendant. He asked if they could provide information on how many people are served, how much service is provided, the extent of the waiting list, and the amount of funding each area receives. Mr. True also asked if this information could be broken down by jurisdictional areas. Ms. Davis responded that they would work with the other Area Agencies on Aging and present something to the Commission at its May meeting.


Mr. Hulsman asked about the possibility of the Executive Committee having a meeting on Thursday, May 12. Mr. True suggested that the meeting be in the morning around 10:00 a.m. to start planning for the November 2005 full Commission meeting and to suggest ideas for members to do between the May and November meetings. The members agreed to come early on Thursday, May 12, to have an Executive Committee meeting.


Mr. True informed members that he has been in contact with outside groups. He has asked them to bring handouts and information to place on display tables in the hallway in front of the banquet rooms at the Holiday Inn.


Mr. True also suggested having door prizes to give to members on Friday morning as a way to entice members to stay for the closing general session.


Chairman Sisk announced that the next Commission meeting will be May 12-13 and the following meeting will be November 4-5, 2005.


Chairman Sisk adjourned the meeting at 2:40.