TheSpring, semiannual meeting of the Senior Citizens Executive Committee of the Special Advisory Commission of Senior Citizens was held on Monday, April 10, 2006, at<MeetTime> 1:00 PM, in Room 113 of the Capitol Annex. Bert Sisk, Chair, called the meeting to order.
Present were:
Members:Berton Sisk, Chair; Bertha Daniels, Bill Harned, Phil Hulsman, Norman Pallarito, Jean Phelps, Jeane Robertson, Jim Terrell, and Laurel True.
LRC Staff: Katie Carney, Eric Clark, Gerard Donovan, Gilmore Dutton, Jim Roberts, and Cindy Smith.
Chairman Sisk welcomed the members and staff to the Commission’s Executive Committee meeting. Chairman Sisk stated that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss agendas for the Commission’s general sessions and subcommittee meetings on Thursday and Friday, May 11-12, 2006.
Chairman Sisk called the members’ attention to the various membership lists in their folders, including a list of new members that had been appointed to the Commission since its last meeting in November 2005. He added that the folders also included profiles of candidates for the offices of Commission Chair and Vice Chair.
Jim Terrell moved to approve the minutes of the September 26, 2005, Executive Committee meeting, seconded by Bill Harned. The motion was adopted.
Chairman Sisk recognized Mr. Dutton for a review of the agenda for the Commission’s meeting on May 11-12, 2006. Mr. Dutton stated that the opening general session would include the adoption of resolutions in memory of two members that have died since the last meeting. Mr. Dutton recognized Mr. True to inform the members that he would be giving a report on the actions of the 2006 Session of the General Assembly on issues of interest to the Commission. Mr. True added that he would be presenting a survey to the Commission to determine their response to a legislative advocacy initiative. Mr. True presented a draft copy of the proposed survey. Mr. True also informed the Committee that Representative Jimmie Lee and his wife would be joining the Commission for dinner on Thursday evening, and that he would be recognizing Representative Lee for his support of the Commission’s recommendations regarding elder abuse.
Mr. Dutton announced that the elections for the position of Commission Chair and Vice Chair would be held during the General Session on Thursday afternoon, May 11, 2006. Mr. Dutton stated that nominations would be taken from the floor for the two positions. He also announced that after the General Session meeting on Thursday, the Regional Coordinating Committees would meet and select a Coordinator.
Mr. Dutton stated that profiles of the candidates nominated for Commission Chair and Vice Chair would be mailed to the full membership this week. Mr. Dutton announced that the first item on the Subcommittees’ agendas on Thursday would be elections for the positions of Subcommittee Chair and Vice Chair and that the elections would be by secret ballot. The subcommittees will also select a representative to serve on the Nominating Committee, and that the election can be by secret ballot or voice vote.
Mr. Dutton reviewed the election procedures with the Executive Committee, stating that a current officer that has served a full term is not eligible to be re-elected to the same position they currently hold. However, the officer can be elected to serve as Subcommittee Chair if they currently held the position of Subcommittee Vice Chair and vice versa.
Mr. Dutton announced that the speaker for the Thursday evening session would be the Honorable Greg Stumbo, Attorney General for Kentucky. Mr. Stumbo would speak on his office’s efforts to enact legislation relating to identity theft, elder abuse, and consumer protection.
Mr. Dutton announced that at the closing general session on Friday, the Commission would hear from Mark Birdwhistle, Secretary of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, on the topic “A New Vision for Long-Term Care for Kentucky”. Mr. Dutton stated that the rest of the agenda would be made up of standard items.
Ms. Daniels moved to accept the agenda for the Commission’s May meeting, seconded by Mr. Bill Harned. The motion was adopted.
Chairman Sisk thanked the members and Mr. True for their assistance and support during his chairmanship. He also extended thanks to Mr. Harned and AARP for their additional support.
Chairman Sisk directed the members’ attention to two handouts, an article and an information sheet regarding senior services levies in the state of Ohio. The article reported that a person’s age at retirement is increasing, and showed the benefits that people receive when they retire. The information sheet explained senior services levies and their benefit to counties in Ohio that have the levies in place.
Chairman Sisk also stressed that many senior centers are dealing with severe financial problems. One, is not having enough money to provide adequate salaries for staff, causing many current staff to seek employment elsewhere.
Chairman Sisk recognized Mr. Bill Harned for a report on the Consumer Affairs Subcommittee’s agenda for the May meeting.
Mr. Harned reported that the subcommittee’s May agenda, following the elections of Subcommittee Chair, Vice Chair, and Nominating Committee representative, will include the following:
1. Recognition of new members;
2. A discussion with Mr. Bill Cooper, Cabinet for Health and Family Services, on funding for senior community centers;
3. A discussion with Dr. Eugene Foster, Undersecretary, Cabinet for Health and Family Services, on the existing elder abuse law and its implementation; and
4. A discussion with Todd Leatherman, Office of Attorney General, on restricting the percentage of donations that go to charitable fundraisers, and interest rates charged for payday loans.
Chairman Sisk recognized Dr. Phil Hulsman, Chair of the Health and Human Services Subcommittee, who reported that the subcommittee’s May agenda, following the elections of Subcommittee Chair, Vice Chair, and Nominating Committee representative, will include the following:
1. A discussion with Representative Tom Burch on 2006 health legislation and issues facing the Interim Joint Committee on Health and Welfare;
2. A discussion with a representative of the Office of Health Policy, Cabinet for Health and Family Services, on consumer access to health care outcomes and cost information at hospitals;
3. A discussion with Larry Smith, long-term care ombudsman for Kentucky, on issues facing Kentucky’s long-term care environment; and
4. An open discussion to determine the Subcommittee’s legislative recommendations.
Chairman Sisk recognized Mr. Jim Terrell, Chair of the Insurance Subcommittee, who reported that the subcommittee’s May agenda, following the elections of Subcommittee Chair, Vice Chair, and Nominating Committee representative, will include the following:
1. An update on the Medicare prescription drug benefit from Frank Hatfield, representing the Health and Insurance Policy and Managed Care Division of the Office of Insurance; and
2. An update on auto insurance from Tracy Bertram, Director of the Property and Casualty Division, Office of Insurance.
Chairman Sisk recognized Ms. Bertha Daniels, Vice Chair of the Taxation Subcommittee.
Mr. Dutton explained to members that Charlotte Quarles, staff for the Taxation Subcommittee, was staffing a legislative conference committee, and was not available, and that Pete McNeill, Chair of the Taxation Subcommittee, was out of the country. He added that the agenda and issue briefs for the Taxation Subcommittee would be mailed within the week along with the rest of the Subcommittee’s agendas to the full membership.
Ms. Daniels informed members that she would like to see legislation relating to tax credits for people who care for the elderly. She also addressed the possibility of requesting the Department of Revenue to offer a property tax amnesty program. Ms. Daniels said that another area of interest was the benefits of senior services levies. Mr. True asked if an area in Northern Kentucky offered a senior services levy. Mr. Pallarito replied that he thought they did a few years ago. Chairman Sisk agreed that follow-up should be researched on the senior services levies in Northern Kentucky and in Ohio. Mr. Dutton clarified the process for taxes to be levied in local government. The organization requesting the levy would apply to the county’s fiscal court for approval of a levy.
Chairman Sisk recognized Ms. Jean Phelps, Chair of the Health and Human Services Subcommittee, who reported that the subcommittee’s May agenda, following the elections of Subcommittee Chair, Vice Chair, and Nominating Committee representative, would include the following:
1. A discussion with Mr. Norm Pallarito, Subcommittee Vice Chair and issues specialist for AARP, on transportation and mobility for senior citizens in livable communities;
2. A discussion on public transportation in Kentucky;
3. A presentation by Mr. Jim Roberts, Subcommittee Staff, on transportation related legislation passed by the 2006 General Assembly; and
4. A review of actions by the 2006 General Assembly on the Subcommittee’s recommendations.
Chairman Sisk recognized Mr. Laurel True for a legislative update. Mr. True informed members that money was appropriated in the free conference committee report to assist senior citizen centers. He mentioned the amount was not as much as the Commission had requested, but that it was a start. Mr. True added that legislation regarding grandparenting rights and identity theft had also passed the General Assembly.
Mr. Pallarito moved to send a resolution to the members of the General Assembly thanking them for their work in appropriating additional money for senior citizen centers, and request that the amount be increased in the future. Ms. Robertson seconded the motion, and the motion was adopted.
Ms. Robertson inquired if a printout was available stating the number of people on a waiting list for meals on wheels programs.
Chairman Sisk stressed to members the need for Social Security and Medicare preservation. He directed the members’ attention to a chart from the April 2005 edition of the AARP Bulletin. He explained the chart gave the pros and cons of the effects of raising and lowering revenue funding for Social Security and Medicare. Ms. Robertson stated that a long-range plan should be created and implemented.
Ms. Daniels inquired if members would be able to invite their local legislators to the evening dinner. Mr. Dutton responded that, yes, that would be possible, however, staff would need prior notification of the number of legislators attending.
Mr. True asked members if they would like to have the information tables again at the May meeting. Members agreed that the information provided in November was very helpful, and they would like to have the tables available again.
Chairman Sisk thanked the Subcommittee Chairs for their reports and the members for their questions. He then announced that the next meeting will be May 11-12, and the following meeting will be November 2-3, 2006.
Chairman Sisk adjourned the meeting at 2:30 p.m.