Thespring semiannual meeting of the Senior Citizens Executive Committee of the Special Advisory Commission of Senior Citizens was held on Monday, April 2, 2007, at<MeetTime> 1:00 PM, in Room 327 of the Capitol. Laurel True, Chair, called the meeting to order.
Present were:
Members:Laurel True, Chair; Bertha Daniels, Ed Flanagan, Jane Fugate, Bill Harned, Norman Pallarito, Lillian Rice, Jeane Robertson, Fred Smith, and Ernest Taylor.
Guests: Rhonda Davis, Bluegrass Area Development District; Rufus Fugate; and Russell Harper, Christian Care Communities.
LRC Staff: Katie Carney, Gilmore Dutton, Miriam Fordham, Rhonda Franklin, Adanna Hydes, and Jim Roberts.
Chairman True welcomed the members and staff to the Commission’s Executive Committee meeting. Chairman True stated that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss agendas for the Commission’s general sessions and subcommittee meetings on Thursday and Friday, May 10-11, 2007.
Mr. Bill Harned moved to approve the minutes of the October 2, 2006, Executive Committee meeting, seconded by Ms. Lillian Rice. The motion was adopted.
Chairman True reviewed with the members the final recommendations adopted at the November 2006 full Commission meeting. He then gave a brief overview of some actions taken by the 2007 Regular Session of the General Assembly. Chairman True asked staff to compile a list of all action taken by the General Assembly on the recommendations adopted at the November 2006 meeting.
Chairman True discussed funding received by Area Agencies on Aging from the 2006 Regular Session of the General Assembly, and asked members for their opinion as to whether or not the Commission should request additional funding for aging programs during the 2008 Session. Mr. Norman Pallarito commented that he would like to receive from Area Agencies on Aging a breakdown of money received and expended. Ms. Rhonda Davis commented that most of the money allocated to the Bluegrass Area Development District and the Bluegrass Area Agency on Aging was placed into Title III funding and other services. Ms. Davis added that $750,000 of money allocated to the Area Agencies on Aging was for the Homecare Program, and was used as a match for Federal money. Ms. Jeane Robertson stated that Bill Cooper and the Department for Aging and Independent Living should have a breakdown of how much funding was received by each Area Agency on Aging. Ms. Robertson added that she would like to receive information stating how many people are receiving meals on wheels services and how many people are on a waiting list for that service. Ms. Davis informed the members that Area Agencies on Aging must submit two budgets to Frankfort. The first is a standard operating budget and the second is a needs budget.
Chairman True asked members for suggestions on topics to be discussed by Deborah Anderson during the Thursday afternoon general session of the May meeting. Ms. Bertha Daniels responded that the Commission should receive a report stating how much money was received by each Area Development District for aging services, how much money was spent by each Area Development District for aging services, how much additional money is needed to accommodate the needs of seniors that are currently on waiting lists maintained by each Area Agency on Aging. Ms. Robertson stated that a present day waiting list should be received to help determine an approximation of how much money is needed by the Area Development Districts. Chairman True informed members that he would ask Commissioner Anderson to address the four topics discussed, and prepare any materials that could be given to the members at the May meeting.
Ms. Robertson commented that a chart showing the growth rate of people over 60 would be nice to have. Ms. Davis responded that KERI should have the data.
Chairman True asked members if a brochure highlighting their concerns as they pertain to each Area Development District would be beneficial. He added that the brochure would be similar to one distributed previously that listed statewide data.
Chairman True discussed the survey that was distributed to Commission members at the May 2006 meeting. He said that the main responses from the membership included concerns with health insurance, identity theft, home delivered meals, and senior center services.
Chairman True requested that the subcommittees develop three recommendations at the May meeting with one of those recommendations to become the main focus of that subcommittee during the rest of the year and the 2008 Regular Session of the General Assembly.
Chairman True recognized Mr. Harned for a report on the Consumer Affairs subcommittee’s agenda for the May meeting.
Mr. Harned reported that the subcommittee’s May agenda will include the following:
1. An update from Kevin Winstead, Assistant Attorney General, Consumer Protection Division, on identity theft legislation that included the subcommittee’s recommendation from the November 2006 meeting; and
2. A discussion with the Commissioner Glenn Jennings, Department of Medicaid Services, on the cost containment initiatives of Kentucky Health Choices.
Chairman True recognized Ms. Robertson for a report on the Health and Human Services subcommittee’s agenda for the May meeting.
Ms. Robertson reported that the subcommittee’s May agenda will include the following:
1. A discussion with Representative Kathy Stein regarding proposed Golden Alert legislation;
2. A discussion with Deborah Anderson about the mental health care needs of senior citizens; and
3. A discussion with Ellen Kershaw, Vice-President for Public Policy and Interim Chief Executive Officer of the Kentucky Alzheimer's Association, about dementia training for nursing home staff.
Chairman True recognized Mr. Ed Flanagan for a report on the Insurance subcommittee’s agenda for the May meeting.
Mr. Flanagan reported that the subcommittee’s May agenda will include the following:
1. An update from Mr. Don Fields, Kentucky Office of Insurance, Seniors' Division, regarding the changes in Medicare and the prescription drug benefit; and
2. A discussion with Mr. Tracy Bertram, Kentucky Office of Insurance, Director of the Property and Casualty Division, addressing the issue of enforcement of mandatory auto insurance coverage.
Chairman True asked Mr. Flanagan if the subcommittee will address the topic of annuities. Mr. Harned responded that the Consumer Affairs subcommittee plans to address annuities at the November Commission meeting. Mr. Harned added that an update to a previous recommendation regarding annuities made by the subcommittee may be adopted at the November meeting. A suggestion was made to have a joint meeting of the Consumer Affairs subcommittee and the Insurance subcommittee at the November 2007 meeting.
Chairman True recognized Ms. Daniels for a report on the Taxation subcommittee’s agenda for the May meeting.
Ms. Daniels reported that the subcommittee’s May agenda will include the following:
1. Discussion relating to abandoned property; and
2. Discussion with Representative Carolyn Belcher (invited) regarding the subcommittee’s standing recommendation about a tax credit for people who care for the elderly.
Chairman True recognized Mr. Pallarito for a report on the Transportation subcommittee’s agenda for the May meeting.
Mr. Pallarito reported that the subcommittee’s May meeting agenda will include the following:
1. A discussion with Representative Tanya Pullin (invited) regarding all-terrain vehicle (ATV) abuse;
2. A discussion with Clay Maxwell Bailey or other staff from the Emergency Services statewide office regarding train derailment; and
3. A discussion about the AARP remedial driver training program for senior citizens.
Chairman True asked members if anyone would be discussing mortgages and reverse mortgages. Mr. Fred Smith suggested a discussion on sub prime lending. Mr. Harned commented that the Consumer Affairs subcommittee may discuss reverse mortgages at the November meeting. Mr. Harned added that sub prime lending related to a former recommendation the Consumer Affairs subcommittee had adopted. Mr. Smith suggested a discussion on regulations of lending organizations.
Chairman True informed members that he would like to have another overall recommendation adopted by the full Commission. He suggested that each subcommittee discuss the recommendation. He added that he would like for the overall recommendation to relate to additional funding to be allocated to Area Agencies on Aging for senior programs. Chairman True suggested that the Commission ask for $8 million to be allocated in the 2008 budget.
Mr. Smith informed members that the press release from the November 2006 meeting was published in various newspapers in his area.
Chairman True recognized Mr. Gilmore Dutton to review the overall May meeting agenda. Mr. Dutton informed members that there had been two deaths since the November 2006 meeting. A resolution has already been drafted for adoption at the May meeting for Ms. Betty Weyler. However, a resolution had not been drafted for Dr. Randall Wells, because Dr. Wells had not been able to attend any meeting of the Commission since his appointment. Mr. Dutton asked the Committee if they wished to have a resolution drafted for Dr. Wells. The Committee indicated they would like to have a resolution drafted in memory of Dr. Wells for adoption at the May meeting.
Chairman True asked Ms. Katie Carney to supply Ms. Davis with a list of appointing authorities that need to have appointments made to the Commission.
Chairman True informed members that Mac Wall, Executive Director for the Kentucky Educational Television will be the speaker at the Commission’s dinner session.
Chairman True commented that he would like for the Commission to adopt six strong recommendations to focus on throughout the year. The first recommendation will be from the full Commission with the remaining recommendations to be the number one recommendation from each subcommittee.
Chairman True stressed the need for legislators to visit senior citizen centers. He added that each Area Agency on Aging should invite gubernatorial candidates to meetings.
Chairman True announced that AARP will hold a forum in the fall for gubernatorial candidates to discuss Medicaid money.
A motion was made and seconded for adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 2:40 p.m.