Special Advisory Commission of Senior Citizens


Senior Citizens Executive Committee


Minutes of the<MeetNo1> Second Meeting

of the 2007 Interim


<MeetMDY1> October 3, 2007


The<MeetNo2> fall semiannual meeting of the Senior Citizens Executive Committee of the Special Advisory Commission of Senior Citizens was held on<Day> Wednesday,<MeetMDY2> October 3, 2007, at<MeetTime> 12:00 PM, in<Room> Room 129 of the Capitol Annex. Laurel True, Chair, called the meeting to order.


Present were:


Members:<Members> Laurel True, Chair; Bertha Daniels, Ed Flanagan, Jane Fugate, Bill Harned, Norman Pallarito, Lillian Rice, Bert Sisk, Fred Smith, and Ernest Taylor.


Guests:  Nola Brown.


LRC Staff:  Katie Carney, Miriam Fordham, Rhonda Franklin, Adanna Hydes, Sheila Mason, and Charlotte Quarles.


Chairman True welcomed the members and staff to the Commission’s Executive Committee meeting. Chairman True stated that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss agendas for the Commission’s general sessions and subcommittee meetings on Thursday and Friday, November 1-2, 2007.


Chairman True introduced Sheila Mason as an interim coordinator for the Commission due to Gilmore Dutton’s retirement. Chairman True asked Ms. Mason to report on the vacancies of the Commission. Ms. Mason stated that there are currently 10 vacancies to the full Commission and that notification has been sent to the appointing authorities requesting replacements be made. Chairman True requested a comprehensive copy of the vacancies be placed in the folders for the November meeting.


Chairman True asked members to review the minutes of the April 2, 2007, Executive Committee meeting. Mr. Fred Smith moved to approve the minutes of the April 2, 2007, Executive Committee meeting, seconded by Ms. Lillian Rice. The motion was adopted.


Chairman True reviewed the tentative agenda for the full Commission meeting in November. Chairman True informed members that Mabel Ballinger passed away over the summer and the Commission would be presented a memorial resolution for adoption. He announced that the afternoon speaker on Thursday would be Mr. Ron Crouch, Director, for the Kentucky State Data Center. Mr. Crouch would present an overall picture of the aging situation focusing on retirement, employment, and health benefits. Mr. Crouch would also provide handouts to the members for distribution to their Area Agencies on Aging. Chairman True passed along a statistic of Mr. Crouch’s. According to Mr. Crouch, 90 percent of the growth of the world’s population between 2000 and 2050 will be because of longevity. The other 10 percent of the growth will be due to births. Chairman True informed members that the dinner speaker on Thursday evening would be Dr. Graham Rowles, Director and Principal Investigator, for the Graduate Center for Gerontology of the University of Kentucky. Dr. Rowles would continue with the theme from Mr. Crouch’s presentation earlier on Thursday and would present information on the results of a recent statewide resource study. Chairman True announced that the program for Friday’s general session would be a “Conversation with the Commissioner.” During this time, Commission members will be given the opportunity to speak with Commissioner Deborah Anderson, Department for Aging and Independent Living. Commissioner Anderson will also provide an update on what is happening at the department and what is in store for the department and state’s future.


Chairman True asked members if they had received information from their Area Agency on Aging relating to suggestions for topics during their subcommittee meetings in November. He added that the Area Agencies on Aging have requested to have more ability to provide recommendations for the Commission and subcommittee meetings’ agendas.


Chairman True recognized Mr. Bill Harned for a report on the Consumer Affairs subcommittee’s agenda for the November meeting.


Mr. Harned reported that he recently attended the meeting of the Interim Joint Committee on Banking and Insurance in Louisville and spoke with Senator Tom Buford regarding retiree investments. Mr. Harned added that he gave a presentation to the IJC on Banking and Insurance about consumers marketing of annuities. Mr. Harned asked the interim joint committee if they would be open to the concept of better information to Kentucky consumers by way of the media informing consumers to contact their local area agency on aging and area development district to find out more.


Mr. Harned informed the executive committee that the Consumer Affairs subcommittee would be meeting jointly with the Insurance Subcommittee and will be addressing the following:


1.         Marketing tactics and sales of annuities to seniors;

2.         Rising premium costs for long-term care insurance; and

3.         Finalize subcommittee legislative recommendations.


Mr. Harned announced that Representative Tommy Thompson and Senator Tom Buford, Co-chairs of the Interim Joint Committee on Banking and Insurance along with representatives from the Department of Insurance have been invited to speak to the subcommittees on the first two topics.


Mr. Harned added that the subcommittee on Consumer Affairs would discuss including the preliminary recommendations from the May meeting into the final recommendations from the November meeting.


Chairman True asked if anyone has spoken to legislators regarding identity theft. Mr. Harned and Ms. Mason responded that they had not.


Chairman True recognized Mr. Ernest Taylor for a report on the Health and Human Services subcommittee’s agenda for the November meeting.


Mr. Taylor reported that the subcommittee’s November agenda would address the following:


1.         The 2008 legislative agenda for services to seniors;

2.         Veterans issues; and

3.         Finalize the subcommittee legislative recommendations.


Mr. Taylor informed members that Secretary Mark Birdwhistell, Cabinet for Health and Family Services has been invited to address the 2008 legislative agenda for the Cabinet. Mr. Taylor added that Mr. Marty Pinkston, Deputy Commissioner, Kentucky Department of Veterans Affairs had been invited to speak on veterans issues.


Chairman True recognized Ms. Bertha Daniels for a report on the Taxation subcommittee’s agenda for the November meeting.


Ms. Daniels reported that the subcommittee’s November agenda would address the following:


1.         The costs of caring for the elderly in Kentucky’s nursing homes compared to the costs of caring for them at home;

2.         Cigarette tax;

3.         Pike County ordinance on “blighted areas”;

4.         Incentives for Energy Independence Act that was passed during the second 2007 Special Session;

5.         New sponsor for the Elder Care Credit bill;

6.         Upcoming election of officers in May 2008; and

7.         Finalize subcommittee’s legislative recommendations.


Chairman True asked about an estate forgiveness plan that other states may have for people who run out of long-term care insurance. Mr. Harned responded that during the 2007 Regular Session a bill was introduced that provided a minimum standard for long-term care insurance policies that are properly maintained. The bill would provide that if the cost of care exceeded the individual’s insurance policies, that Medicaid would pay for the additional costs. Mr. Harned added that he believes Vermont is a state that currently has a similar law in effect. Chairman True asked if any subcommittee would be addressing this issue. Mr. Harned responded that during his subcommittee’s joint meeting they would be discussing insurance premium increases and a requirement to have these increases approved by the Consumer Affairs branch of the Attorney General’s office.


Chairman True asked if any subcommittee would be addressing no-fault insurance. Mr. Ed Flanagan responded that the Insurance subcommittee is planning to carry forward their recommendation from May.


Chairman True suggested that all subcommittees review their preliminary recommendations from May and include whichever ones they would like in their final recommendations at the November meeting.


Chairman True recognized Mr. Norman Pallarito for a report on the Transportation subcommittee’s agenda for the November meeting.


Mr. Pallarito reported that the subcommittee’s November agenda would address the following:


1.         Coordination of transportation of human service programs;

2.         Review of a recent panel discussion from the Aging and Independent Living conference on transportation issues;

3.         AARP driving training program and mobility options; and

4.         Finalize subcommittee’s legislative recommendations.


Mr. Pallarito noted that the subcommittee plans to continue recommending the General Assembly pass legislation addressing ATVs and drivers operating a motor vehicle while using a hand-held communication device.


Chairman True asked members if they would be in favor of one overall recommendation from the Commission as a whole. Mr. Pallarito commented that he probably would not be in favor, because each subcommittee has some strong issues they would like to see passed and if there was one overall recommendation it might take away the importance of the individual subcommittee’s recommendations. Mr. Pallarito added that the overall recommendation may not directly apply to all of the subcommittees.


Mr. Harned asked if the Commission would still be taking a stance on the funding recommendation. Chairman True responded that yes, he would like to see the Commission continue to request that recommendation.


Chairman True informed the members that Governor Fletcher and Mr. Steve Beshear have been asked to discuss their platform of services to help care for the elderly. Mr. Harned responded that the Governor had given a review of his accomplishments during his term and had announced that some of his concepts to improve elderly care were starting to take form. Mr. Harned stated that Mr. Beshear added that he embraces some of the concepts that have been implemented and is supportive of continuing some of the programs. Mr. Harned added that Mr. Beshear would also like to provide health care to all Kentuckians.


Chairman True stressed to the committee about the need to talk to legislators to follow up on the Commission’s recommendations. He added that some area development districts and area agencies on aging are worried about lobbying too much for their individual needs.


Chairman True asked LRC staff to prepare and distribute prior to the November meeting all of the agendas and an issue brief for each subcommittee agenda topic.


Ms. Daniels asked LRC staff if they could provide a personalized information sheet to each member with the member’s individual legislators contact information.


Chairman True asked Ms. Mason to explain the proposed Commission by-law amendment. Ms. Mason informed members that in Article III of the current by-laws, the official names of two appointing authorities are incorrect. She stated that the two changes would correct the official names of the appointing authorities. Mr. Harned made a motion to place the amendment for consideration on the November 2007, Commission agenda, seconded by Ms. Daniels. The motion passed.


Chairman True asked if there was any additional business. Mr. Pallarito commended Chairman True on arranging to have Mr. Ron Crouch to be the afternoon speaker in November. Chairman True informed the members that he might ask Mr. Al Smith to be the dinner speaker at the Commission’s May 2008 meeting.


Mr. Bert Sisk emphasized the need for additional funding to local senior citizen centers. He stressed that the Commission should utilize all of their opportunities to education legislators on what local senior citizen centers do and what they need. Mr. Flanagan added that with the baby boom generation becoming seniors in the near future the need is even greater to start improving and providing additional funding for all senior citizen agencies. Mr. Harned informed the members that he would commit to talking to legislators about senior citizen centers and urged the rest of the Commission to do the same.


Chairman True informed the members of new federal money available that helps senior citizens move out of nursing homes and back into their homes. He stressed the need for senior citizen centers and area agencies on aging to research the opportunities available with this new consumer directed option.


Mr. Fred Smith asked if Commission members could receive a talking points index card for when they talk to legislators. He added that this card would be beneficial to give to the legislator after the conversation. Chairman True asked if a brochure similar to one distributed at a previous Commission meeting would work. Mr. Smith responded that it would be nice to be able to leave some documentation about the conversation with the legislator.


Mr. Harned made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Ms. Daniels. The meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.