Special Advisory Commission of Senior Citizens


Senior Citizens Executive Committee


Minutes of the<MeetNo1> 2nd Meeting

of the 2008 Interim


<MeetMDY1> October 8, 2008


The<MeetNo2> fall semiannual meeting of the Special Advisory Commission of Senior Citizens Executive Committee was held on<Day> Wednesday,<MeetMDY2> October 8, 2008, at<MeetTime> 1:30 PM, in<Room> Room 327 of the Capitol. The meeting was called to order by Chairwoman Lillian Rice, and the secretary called the roll.


Present were:


Members:<Members> Lillian Rice, Bertha Daniels, Barbara Germain, Edna Hawkins, James Huff, Norman Pallarito, Fred Smith, Laurel True, and Joe Wahlen.


Guests:  Eric Clark.


LRC Staff:  Sheila Mason, Kenny Bishop, Katie Carney, Miriam Fordham, Rhonda Franklin, Adanna Hydes, Charlotte Quarles, Jim Roberts and Chad Collins.


Chairwoman Rice welcomed everyone and stated that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss agendas for the upcoming November 6-7, 2008, general session of the Special Advisory Commission of Senior Citizens (the Advisory Commission) and the five subcommittees.


Chairwoman Rice recognized Ms. Sheila Mason who informed the members that Ms. Jeane Robertson had recently been appointed to the Commission by the AARP. This change would leave three open positions to be filled as Legislative Appointments. Ms. Mason added that she is in discussions with the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate to fill the vacancies.


Chairwoman Rice asked everyone to review the minutes of the April 10, 2008, Executive Committee meeting. Ms. Bertha Daniels made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Mr. Joe Wahlen. The motion was adopted.


Chairwoman Rice opened to floor to discuss possible ideas for speakers and topics for the opening general session of the Advisory Commission’s November meeting. Mr. Norman Pallarito and Mr. Wahlen felt that Attorney General Jack Conway was an excellent speaker at a previous meeting and suggested that he be considered again. Chairwoman Rice suggested Lieutenant Governor Dan Mongiardo to speak about his “E-Health” initiatives, Secretary of State Trey Grayson, or someone to speak about the current economy and finances. Ms. Rhonda Franklin mentioned that Kentucky has a state Department of Financial Institutions and the department is also knowledgeable about payday lending practices. Mr. Wahlen suggested Dr. Paul Cooms with the University of Louisville as a possible speaker to address the economy and finances. A suggestion was made to have someone speak about the current financial impact on health and human services and mentioned inviting Secretary Janie Miller from the Cabinet for Health and Human Services. Ms. Daniels stated that she was in favor of Ms. Franklin’s suggestion of inviting someone from the state’s Department of Financial Institutions. Ms. Franklin suggested that an invitation should be extended to Public Protection Cabinet Secretary Robert Vance as well as Kentucky Department of Financial Institutions Commissioner Charles Vice. Mr. Wahlen suggested that Attorney General Conway be invited to speak on current scams and price gouging. If the Attorney General is not available, invitations should be extended to either Lieutenant Governor Mongiardo, Secretary of State Grayson or Dr. Cooms, in that order. Mr. Laurel True suggested that the Executive Committee review the rest of the Advisory Commission’s agenda and the subcommittee agendas before making a final decision.


Chairwoman Rice recognized Mr. True to report on the Consumer Affairs subcommittee’s proposed agenda for the November meeting. Mr. True informed members that the Consumer Affairs subcommittee is interested in taking a proactive approach to consumer protection through education. He announced that the subcommittee plans to invite someone from either the Lexington or Louisville Better Business Bureau. Another possible guest speaker would be someone from the Attorney General’s Office to speak on disaster zones and preparedness. The last speaker for Thursday’s afternoon session may be someone from a financial institution to address the current economic situation. Mr. True informed members that Thursday’s session may not trigger any new legislative recommendations. However, the subcommittee plans to look at the recommendations given to the 2008 Regular Session that did not pass the General Assembly. Mr. True suggested the Advisory Commission also look into working with outside groups to help provide support for some of the Advisory Commission’s top recommendations, in order to have more recommendations passed in future sessions of the General Assembly.


Chairwoman Rice recognized Mrs. Edna Hawkins to report on the Health and Human Services subcommittee’s proposed agenda for the November meeting. Mrs. Hawkins informed members that the subcommittee plans to address the state’s growing problems with the Meals on Wheels program. They plan to invite Pat Dressman with the Campbell County Fiscal Court, Barbara Gordon with the KIPDA Area Development District, and Nancy Addington with the Lincoln Trail Area Development District. Mrs. Hawkins also informed members that the subcommittee has invited Commissioner Debbie Anderson with the Department for Aging and Independent Living to discuss housing options for senior citizens.


Chairwoman Rice recognized Ms. Barbara Germain to report on the Insurance subcommittee’s proposed agenda for the November meeting. Ms. Germain informed members that the subcommittee would invite someone from the Office of Insurance in the Public Protection Cabinet to discuss long-term care insurance and the prospect of requiring insurers to offer return of premiums on long-term care policies. Ms. Germain added that the subcommittee would also hold discussions with the Department of Aging and Independent Living and the Cabinet for Health and Human Services on providing assistance to seniors who need help understanding their medical bills.


Chairwoman Rice recognized Mr. James Huff to report on the Taxation subcommittee’s proposed agenda for the November meeting. Mr. Huff informed members that the subcommittee may invite Representative Tommy Thompson to speak on tax credits for people who care for the elderly. Mr. Huff also announced that the subcommittee would be inviting someone to speak on HB 2 from the 2008 Regular Session, a bill that relates to energy efficiency. He added that the focus would be on the Kentucky tax credits that are available to those who add more energy efficient items in their homes.


Chairwoman Rice recognized Mr. Fred Smith to report on the Transportation subcommittee’s proposed agenda for the November meeting. Mr. Smith informed members that the subcommittee plans to address some of the transportation challenges facing the state’s elderly as a result of the current economic hardships. Notably, the meals on wheels program and the reports that some meals are being be mailed to citizens. Mr. Smith added that the subcommittee has invited Deputy Commissioner Bill Cooper with the Department for Aging and Independent Living and someone from the Transportation Cabinet’s Office of Transportation delivery to speak on transporting the elderly.


Chairwoman Rice asked the committee to revisit the topic of the opening general session speaker. Ms. Daniels stated that she liked the idea of inviting the two gentlemen Ms. Franklin suggested earlier in the meeting. Mr. True added that he also liked the idea of having speakers discuss the economy and the state’s current financial situation; however, suggested inviting Representative Tommy Thompson and Senator Tom Buford to speak on the issue also. Mr. True added that the legislators could either be the primary speakers, be part of a panel, or be invited to be guests in the audience during the session. Ms. Daniels made a motion to invite the Secretary of the Public Protection Cabinet and the Commissioner of the Kentucky Department of Financial Institutions. Included in the motion was an invitation to Senator Buford and Representative Thompson to be available during the meeting for comments or questions. Mr. True seconded the motion and by a show of hands the motion passed.


Chairwoman Rice asked members if they had a suggestion for an alternate speaker or topic. Mr. True suggested Attorney General Conway. Mr. Wahlen made a motion to invite Attorney General Conway as an alternate to speak on the same topic if the original invited speakers would not be able to attend. The committee agreed.


Chairwoman Rice recognized Ms. Mason who announced that Renard Murray, regional administrator with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Atlanta office, will speak to the Commission during the Thursday evening dinner session. He will discuss Medicare’s annual open enrollment which begins on November 15.


Chairwoman Rice recognized Ms. Germain for a comment. Ms. Germain informed members that she has been working on a way for the elderly who have been recent hospital patients to have access to proper advice or guidance when they receive an insurance bill. She stated that insurance companies will occasionally send a bill to the patient for services that are covered by the patient’s medical insurance. Ms. Germain stressed the need for everyone to review their insurance statements and to not pay any balance owed until they are sure it is a valid charge. Ms. Germain added that if the insurance company refuses to remove the charge and continues to harass, the individual should contact a lawyer or inform the insurance company they will be contacting a lawyer if the charge is not removed. Mr. Wahlen thanked Ms. Germain for taking this initiative and added that health care billing will always be tedious and confusing, so the suggestion of having an outsider review your bill is a great idea.


Chairwoman Rice asked members for suggestions on who should give the invocation during the dinner session. She informed members that Reverend Henry Mosley from Ashland currently serves on the Advisory Commission, and asked for permission to extend the invitation to him. The committee was in agreement.


Ms. Daniels asked for clarification on the speaker for Friday morning’s session. Chairwoman Rice asked members if they would like to continue the tradition of inviting Commissioner Anderson with the Department for Aging and Independent Living to lead a discussion with the Advisory Commission. The committee was in agreement.


Ms. Daniels made a motion to adopt the agenda as tentatively written and amended. Mr. True seconded the motion and it was passed by a show of hands.


Chairwoman Rice adjourned the meeting at 2:25 p.m. with the announcement that the May 2009 meeting is scheduled for May 7-8, 2009.