00RS HB321


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HB 321/FN (BR 1262) - J. Wayne

     AN ACT relating to students with disabilities.
     Create a new section of KRS Chapter 164 to require that each postsecondary education institution with residence facilities have housing and security policies that assure students with permanent or temporary disabilities a safe environment in which to live and study; the policy shall include, but not be limited to an appeals process that may be used when a student has reason to believe that the policy or the housing assignment does not accommodate the student's disability or endangers the student's safety, and a current list of students with disabilities to be used by authorities to help assure safety of the students during an emergency; create a new section of KRS Chapter 164 to waive sovereign immunity for persons who violate the requirements relating to the housing and security policies for students with disabilities.


     HCS/FN - Retain original provisions except that postsecondary institutions shall not be required to waive sovereign immunity; make technical corrections.

     Jan 11-introduced in House
     Jan 12-to Education (H)
     Jan 20-posted in committee
     Feb 23-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute
     Feb 24-2nd reading, to Rules
     Feb 25-recommitted to Appropriations and Revenue (H)
     Mar 9-posting waived
     Mar 10-reported favorably, to Rules with the original Committee Substitute
     Mar 13-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 14, 2000
     Mar 14-3rd reading, passed 95-0 with Committee Substitute
     Mar 15-received in Senate
     Mar 17-to Education (S)
     Mar 21-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar
     Mar 22-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Consent Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 22, 2000; 3rd reading, passed 38-0
     Mar 23-bill reconsidered (change PASSED status); placed in the Consent Orders of the Day; passed 38-0
     Mar 24-received in House; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer, delivered to Governor
     Mar 28-signed by Governor (Acts ch. 191)

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