00RS SB400


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SB 400 (BR 1345) - D. Kelly, D. Williams

     AN ACT relating to psychological personnel.
     Create a new section of KRS Chapter 319 to allow psychological associates and certified psychologists respectively to upon completion of four and six years of clinical practice respectively, to modify the nature of his or her supervision; amend KRS 319.064 to eliminate the requirement that a psychological associate be employed by a licensed psychologist.

     Mar 3-introduced in Senate
     Mar 6-to Licensing and Occupations (S)
     Mar 9-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar
     Mar 10-2nd reading, to Rules
     Mar 13-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Wednesday, March 15, 2000
     Mar 15-3rd reading, passed 33-3
     Mar 16-received in House
     Mar 17-to Health and Welfare (H)

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