HB 320 (BR 1196) - C. Geveden
AN ACT relating to state properties operated by or for purposes of the Department of Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Resources, and making an appropriation related thereto.
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 150 to require the Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources to pay a fee in lieu of taxes at the rate of $6 per acre for state properties owned or operated for the purposes of the Department to local school districts that have a high school designated as a transitional center as defined in KRS 157.420; payment shall be made between November 1, 2001, and December 31, 2001, and each year thereafter; make fee continue in effect so long as the revenues provided by the department are used to pay the bonded indebtedness to replace the school designated as a transitional center; appropriate restricted funds in fiscal year 2001-2002 in an amount equal to the fee calculated and for the purposes provided; make Act prevail over any conflicting provisions of the 2000-2002 State/Executive Budget Memorandum.
Feb 14-introduced in House
Feb 15-to State Government (H)