02RS HJ205


WWW Version

HJR 205 (BR 2215) - S. Nunn

     Establish a task force to study adult foster care; specify members of the task force; require the task force to submit a final report on its recommendations no later than October 1, 2002, to the LRC; allow the LRC to assign the issues to an interim joint committee or subcommittee and to designate a study completion date.


     HCS - Retain original provisions and add the president of the Kentucky Association of Health Care Facilities to the task force.

     HFA (1, R. Palumbo) - Retain original provisions and add the president of the Kentucky Chapter of the National Adult Family Care Organization to the membership of the task force.

     Feb 28-introduced in House
     Mar 1-to Health and Welfare (H)
     Mar 4-posted in committee
     Mar 7-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute
     Mar 8-2nd reading, to Rules
     Mar 12-floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute
     Mar 15-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 18, 2002
     Mar 19-3rd reading, adopted 98-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)
     Mar 20-received in Senate
     Mar 25-to Health and Welfare (S)
     Mar 27-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Consent Calendar
     Mar 28-2nd reading, to Rules

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