02RS HR248


WWW Version

HR 248 (BR 2883) - T. McKee, J. Adams, Ro. Adams, R. Adkins, W. Allen, J. Arnold Jr, A. Arnold, E. Ballard, J. Barrows, P. Bather, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, L. Belcher, J. Bowling, I. Branham, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, J. Bruce, B. Buckingham, T. Burch, De. Butler, Dw. Butler, J. Callahan, M. Cherry, P. Childers, L. Clark, P. Clark, J. Coleman, H. Collins, B. Colter, J. Comer, B. Crall, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, J. Draud, T. Feeley, J. Fischer, D. Ford, C. Geveden, J. Gooch, J. Gray, K. Hall, J. Haydon, B. Heleringer, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, J. Jenkins, T. Kerr, S. Lee, Ji. Lee, G. Lindsay, P. Marcotte, M. Marzian, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly, R. Mobley, L. Napier, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, S. Nunn, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, F. Rasche, J. Reinhardt, J. Richards, T. Riner, W. Scott, C. Siler, A. Simpson, D. Sims, B. Smith, K. Stein, J. Stewart, G. Stumbo, G. Tapp, R. Thomas, J. Thompson, M. Treesh, Jo. Turner, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, C. Walton, J. Wayne, M. Weaver, R. Webb, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, B. Yonts

     Adjourn the House of Representatives in honor of Anna Meyers Ross McKee upon the occasion of her ninetieth birthday on March 21, 2002.

     Mar 20-introduced in House
     Mar 21-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

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