02RS SB167


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SB 167 (BR 1908) - G. Neal

     AN ACT relating to equity in hiring in the public schools.
     Amend KRS 156.500 to require every board, commission, council, or other type of advisory or decision-making body created by state statute regarding public elementary and secondary education to regularly review data on participation of men, women, persons of different racial backgrounds, and persons of different socioeconomic circumstances in the programs for which that body is responsible; amend KRS 158.6455 to require that the scholastic audit review a school's planning in relation to the participation of men, women, persons of different racial backgrounds, and persons of different socioeconomic circumstances; amend KRS 160.345 to require a school council, prior to filling a vacancy, to review the current minority and gender composition of the personnel in the school to determine if there is adequate representation of the various groups; require the school council to adopt a policy establishing procedures for selection of a principal, including but not limited to meetings, timelines, interviews, review of written applications, review of references, and development of written criteria for selection; amend KRS 160.350 to require the local board and the superintendent's screening committee to receive training endorsed by the Department of Education when there is a vacancy in the position of the superintendent; require the board to establish written criteria to be used in selecting an applicant to be hired as superintendent; require the local board to adopt a plan for recruitment of applicants for superintendent, including minority applicants; and amend KRS 160.380 to define "district-level vacancy" and require the superintendent to establish written criteria to be used in selecting applicants to be hired in district-level vacancies; amend KRS 158.153 and 158.6455 to conform.


     SCS - Include every board, commission, council, or other type of advisory or decision-making body created by administrative regulation, in addition to those established by statute, in the review of gender and racial participation.

     SFA (1, G. Neal) - Clarify that written criteria required to be used in selecting applicants may be the job descriptions.

     Feb 4-introduced in Senate
     Feb 6-to Education (S)
     Feb 27-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute
     Feb 28-2nd reading, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute
     Mar 7-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Tuesday, March 12, 2002
     Mar 12-3rd reading, passed 37-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)
     Mar 13-received in House
     Mar 14-to Education (H)
     Mar 18-posted in committee
     Mar 27-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar
     Mar 28-2nd reading, to Rules

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