
WWW Version

4th Judicial Circuit, create new judgeship in - HB 3: HFA(1)
  • finance funds, alternate use for - HB 1: HFA(25),(29)
  • finance funds, alternate use of - HB 1: HFA(26),(27)
  • finance funds, delete appropriation for - HB 1: HFA(28)
Community development project, water lines in Johnson County - HB 1: HFA(8)
District Court, increasing jurisdictional limit of small claims division - HB 3: HFA(2)
  • Branch Budget - HB 1
  • Branch Budget Bill, appropriation therefor - HB 1: SCS
  • Branch Budget Bill; making appropriation therefor - HB 1: HCS
Finance and Administration Cabinet, reduce funds - HB 1: HFA(24)
  • Campaign Finance, delete Necessary Government Expense provisions - HB 1: HFA(21)
  • Campaign Finance, primary funding for - HB 1: HFA(33)
Highly skilled educator program, delete program - HB 1: HFA(19)
  • Branch Budget - HB 3
  • Branch Budget Bill, appropriation for - HB 3: HCS
  • Branch Budget, appropriation therefor - HB 3: SCS
Local Government Economic Development Fund, allocate for local projects - HB 1: HFA(3)
  • classified personnel in local school district - HB 1: HFA(17)
  • classified personnel in local school districts - HB 1: HFA(18)
  • education personnel - HB 1: HFA(42)
School District 015, appropriate funds to support - HB 1: HFA(16)
State energy efficiency programs, authorization of - HB 1: HFA(2)
Water utility companies, transfer of - HB 1: HFA(43)

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