- finance funds, delete appropriation for - HB 1: HFA(28)
CHS, CON, health facility exemption from - HB 1: HFA(7) |
Corrections, report on information from jails - HB 1: HFA(13) |
Deductibility of foreign income taxes, deletion of - HB 1: HFA(30),(31) |
District Court, increasing jurisdictional limit of small claims division - HB 3: HFA(2) |
Executive |
- Branch Budget Bill, appropriation therefor - HB 1: SCS
- Branch Budget Bill; making appropriation therefor - HB 1: HCS
Finance and Administration Cabinet, reduce funds - HB 1: HFA(24) |
Gubernatorial |
- Campaign Finance, delete Necessary Government Expense provisions - HB 1: HFA(21)
- Campaign Finance, primary funding for - HB 1: HFA(33)
Human |
- cloning, prohibition of appropriating funds for - HB 1: HFA(38),(39)
- cloning, prohibition on appropriating funds for - HB 1: HFA(34),(35),(36),(37)
Judicial |
- Branch Budget Memorandum - HJR 7
- Branch Budget, appropriation therefor - HB 3: SCS
Kentucky Education Excellence Scholarship, award in the event of student death - HB 1: HFA(22) |
Legislative Branch Budget Memorandum - HJR 6 |
School District 015, appropriate funds to support - HB 1: HFA(16) |
State energy efficiency programs, authorization of - HB 1: HFA(2) |
State/Executive Branch Budget Memorandum - HJR 5 |
Taxation of natural gas transmission, deletion of - HB 1: HFA(30),(32) |