03RS SB35


WWW Version

SB 35/LM (BR 426) - E. Scorsone, T. Buford, A. Kerr

     AN ACT relating to pension systems of urban county governments.
     Amend various sections of KRS Chapter 67A relating to police and fire fighters' retirement in urban-county government; amend KRS 67A.345 to include vision and dental insurance; amend KRS 67A.410 to provide for retirement at any age after 20 years; amend KRS 67A.430 to increase the minimum monthly annuity to $1,500; delete the provision in KRS 67A.450 terminating a surviving spouse's annuity upon remarriage; amend KRS 67A.460 to provide that occupational disability for individuals who joined the plan prior to July 15, 1994 shall be 75% of last salary; amend KRS 67A.492 to provide that the amount of death benefits is not dependent on retirement date; amend KRS 67A.520 to require that the contribution rate be determined under the entry age normal method with a 30-year amortization schedule and require the urban-county government to fund the rate determined by the retirement board.

     Jan 7-introduced in Senate
     Jan 10-to State and Local Government (S)

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