
WWW Version

The hyperlink to a bill draft that precedes a summary contains the most recent version (Introduced/GA/Enacted) of the bill. If the session has ended, the hyperlink contains the latest version of the bill at the time of sine die adjournment. Note that the summary pertains to the bill as introduced, which is often different from the most recent version.

Includes opposite chamber sponsors where requested by primary sponsors of substantially similar bills in both chambers and jointly approved by the Committee on Committees of both chambers. Opposite chamber sponsors are represented in italics.

HB 352/FN (BR 1211) - D. Keene, J. Draud, R. Adams, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, L. Belcher, S. Brinkman, H. Collins, T. Edmonds, T. Firkins, J. Glenn, J. Gooch Jr, D. Graham, J. Gray, M. Harmon, M. Henley, J. Higdon, C. Hoffman, D. Horlander, M. Marzian, C. Miller, R. Mobley, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, D. Owens, R. Rand, T. Riner, C. Siler, A. Simpson, K. Stein, T. Thompson, R. Weston, B. Yonts

     AN ACT relating to health benefit plan reimbursement of chiropractors.
     Create a new section of Subtitle 17A of KRS Chapter 304 to require health benefit plans to adopt current, reasonable, and fair reimbursement schedules for services and procedures performed by chiropractors; require chiropractors to be reimbursed at no less than the fee schedule for workers' compensation; permit a reduction of up to 10 percent of the fee if the chiropractor enters into an approved agreement with a managed care plan; specify under what conditions a chiropractor must be reimbursed for medically necessary services and procedures; require the reimbursement fee to be increased annually by the percentage increase in the consumer price index for all urban consumers.


     HCS/FN - Retain original provisions; add a new section with the same language to KRS 304.17C.

     HFA (1, A. Wuchner) - Delete the provisions of the bill; require the Interim Joint Committee on Health and Welfare to hear testimony during the 2007 Interim relating to reimbursement rates for services and procedures provided by chiropractors.

     HFA (2, A. Wuchner) - Delete the provisions of the bill; require the Interim Joint Committee on Health and Welfare to hear testimony during the 2007 Interim relating to reimbursement rates for services and procedures provided by chiropractors.

     HFA (3, D. Keene) - Add a subsection (4) to Sections 1 and 2 to provide that the sections do not apply to health benefit plans issued under Kentucky Access.

     Feb 7-introduced in House
     Feb 8-to Health and Welfare (H)
     Feb 9-posted in committee
     Feb 15-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute
     Feb 16-2nd reading, to Rules
     Feb 23-recommitted to Banking & Insurance (H)
     Feb 26-posted in committee
     Feb 28-floor amendments (1) and (2) filed to Committee Substitute
     Mar 2-reported favorably, to Rules
     Mar 5-floor amendment (3) filed to Committee Substitute
     Mar 7-recommitted to Appropriations & Revenue (H)

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