

WWW Version

The hyperlink to a bill draft that precedes a summary contains the most recent version (Introduced/GA/Enacted) of the bill. If the session has ended, the hyperlink contains the latest version of the bill at the time of sine die adjournment. Note that the summary pertains to the bill as introduced, which is often different from the most recent version.

Includes opposite chamber sponsors where requested by primary sponsors of substantially similar bills in both chambers and jointly approved by the Committee on Committees of both chambers. Opposite chamber sponsors are represented in italics.


HB 62 (BR 185) - M. Cherry, C. Embry Jr, D. Graham, D. Pasley, C. Rollins II, T. Thompson, B. Yonts

     AN ACT relating to executive branch employees.
     Amend KRS 11A.010 to define "executive officer," and change the definition of "officer" to include executive officers; amend KRS 18A.005 to define "qualifying," and amend "agency" definition; make technical corrections; amend KRS 18A.030 to require the secretary of the Personnel Cabinet to propose selection method changes to the board for approval or denial and set time frame for board to approve or reject the proposed change; amend KRS 18A.037 and 18A.040 to change commissioner to secretary; amend KRS 18A.045 to change the number of Personnel Board members from seven to nine and specify that those two new members be elected classified employees; amend KRS 18.A.050 to provide that the term of the two new classified employee members be for three years and expire prior to the 2010 election; provide that the elected members be allowed to seek re-election; amend KRS 18A.0551 to conform; amend KRS 18A.190 to place limitations on compensatory leave payments of executive officers and officers to not exceed 240 hours upon separation from service; amend KRS 18A.075 to require the annual report of the Personnel Board be sent to the co-chairs of the Interim Joint Committee on State Government prior to October 1 and to specify the content of the report; require the Personnel Board to consider all proposed selection method change requests from the secretary of the Personnel Cabinet and prohibit any selection method change without final board approval; amend 18A.0751 to require the board to provide guidelines for dispute resolution for employees that attempt to resolve any work-related complaint or penalization; set out the two distinct methods; amend KRS 18A.095 to allow an appointing authority to suspend an employee, with pay, from the time that the employee has received an intent to dismiss letter and prior to the agency's final action; allow an employee to resolve any work-related complaint or penalization by choosing from two distinct methods; amend KRS 18A.110 to provide that employees with the two lowest evaluation ratings follow the new dispute resolution process outlined in Sections 10 and 11 of this Act; amend KRS 18A.111 to require former unclassified employees to serve an initial probationary period of 12 months if the employee is appointed to a position in the classified service, unless he or she has prior status within the system or had been separated from his or her unclassified position at least 180 days; amend KRS 18A.140 to allow classified officers and employees to occupy an elected office under certain conditions; require the secretary of the Personnel Cabinet to conduct a feasibility study on performing background and reference checks on all executive branch applicants and report to the co-chairs of the Interim Joint Committee on State Government prior to November 1, 2007.


     HCS - Amend Section 1 to clarify the definition of an "executive officer" to include persons working or volunteering in the executive branch and using state-owned facilities, equipment, or personnel to perform their duties; amend Section 6 to provide that the two new classified employee members of the board be appointed by the board; set the term of the new appointees to begin prior to July 1, 2008, and last until the normal board elections in 2010; amend Section 8 to replace all references to the use of an employee's Social Security number and replace it with the employee's unique identification number for Personnel Board elections; amend Section 9 to allow the board to request reporting information from state agencies to aid in reporting requirements set forth; amend Section 11 to delete the alternative dispute resolution procedures and allow the secretary of the cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations to establish such procedures.

     HFA (1, B. Yonts) - Clarify decisions to be published by the Personnel Board.

     (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

     Dec 13-To: Interim Joint Committee on State Government
     Jan 2-introduced in House
     Jan 3-to State Government (H)
     Feb 6-posting waived; posted in committee
     Feb 8-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute
     Feb 9-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, February 12, 2007; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute
     Feb 14-3rd reading, passed 97-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)
     Feb 15-received in Senate
     Feb 20-to State & Local Government (S)

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