

WWW Version

The hyperlink to a bill draft that precedes a summary contains the most recent version (Introduced/GA/Enacted) of the bill. If the session has ended, the hyperlink contains the latest version of the bill at the time of sine die adjournment. Note that the summary pertains to the bill as introduced, which is often different from the most recent version.

Includes opposite chamber sponsors where requested by primary sponsors of substantially similar bills in both chambers and jointly approved by the Committee on Committees of both chambers. Opposite chamber sponsors are represented in italics.


HR 21 (BR 822) - J. Higdon, R. Adams, R. Adkins, J. Arnold Jr, E. Ballard, S. Baugh, C. Belcher, L. Belcher, J. Bell, K. Bratcher, S. Brinkman, T. Burch, D. Butler, M. Cherry, L. Clark, H. Collins, L. Combs, J. Comer Jr, T. Couch, J. Crenshaw, R. Crimm, R. Damron, J. DeCesare, M. Dedman Jr, M. Denham, B. DeWeese, M. Dossett, J. Draud, T. Edmonds, C. Embry Jr, B. Farmer, T. Firkins, J. Fischer, D. Floyd, D. Ford, J. Glenn, J. Gooch Jr, D. Graham, J. Gray, J. Greer, K. Hall, M. Harmon, R. Henderson, M. Henley, C. Hoffman, J. Hoover, D. Horlander, J. Jenkins, D. Keene, T. Kerr, A. Koenig, S. Lee, Ji. Lee, M. Marzian, T. McKee, R. Meeks, C. Miller, H. Moberly Jr, R. Mobley, B. Montell, T. Moore, L. Napier, R. Nelson, F. Nesler, D. Osborne, D. Owens, R. Palumbo, D. Pasley, T. Pullin, M. Rader, R. Rand, F. Rasche, J. Richards, S. Riggs, T. Riner, C. Rollins II, S. Rudy, S. Santoro, C. Siler, A. Simpson, D. Sims, A. Smith, B. Smith, B. Spencer, J. Stacy, K. Stein, J. Stewart III, T. Thompson, J. Tilley, T. Turner, K. Upchurch, J. Vincent, D. Watkins, J. Wayne, R. Webb, R. Weston, S. Westrom, R. Wilkey, A. Wuchner, B. Yonts

     Adjourn the House of Representatives in loving memory and honor of our friend and former colleague, David Ross Hourigan.

     Jan 2-introduced in House
     Jan 3-to House Floor; adopted by voice vote

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