LRC Seal

Attorney General


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Candidate for office, make nonpartisan - SB 14: SCS
Credit card application, notice not to send - HB 27
Death penalty, abolition of - HB 260
Electronic filing, requirements established - SB 8: HFA (7)
Ferrous and nonferrous metals, requirements for sale and acquisition - HB 106
Health-care workers, protection against retaliation, enforcement of - HB 602: HCS
Identity theft, data protection, omnibus revision - HB 553; HB 553: HCS
Kentucky Public Pension Financing Advisory Commission, addition to - HB 600: HFA (1)
Legal defense trust, creation of - HB 47
Long-term care insurance rates, intervention - HB 9
Medicaid fraud, civil and administrative proceedings for - HB 691
Nonferrous metals, requirements for sale and acquisition - HB 106: HCS
emergency response system providers, guidelines, establish - SB 57: HCS
emergency response system providers, regulation of - HB 409
information, data protection, notification - HB 591
Prerecorded political messages, enforcement of - HB 247: HFA (1)
Proceedings, records, juvenile code - HB 141
Prosecutors Advisory Council, technical correction - SB 226
Branch Budget Memorandum - HJR 81
Branch Budget Memorandum, attachment of - HJR 81: SCS
Branch Budget, appropriation of - HB 406; HB 406: SCS, HCS, HFA (1),(2), FCCR
Theft of identity, additional prohibitions - HB 553: HFA (4)
Timber, theft of - HB 489, 727
Unsolicited fax, prohibitions and penalty - HB 247; HB 247: HFA (3)
Witness and victim rights pamphlet, technical correction - SB 227

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