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Banks and Financial Institutions


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Certificate of deposit, renewal of - SB 89
Check cashing, regulation and establishment of a database - HB 500: HCS
card accounts, payment on - HB 463
card application, notice not to send - HB 27; HB 27: HCA (1)
health insurance, extend duration - HB 431
union service facility, application to establish - SB 89
Debit and credit cards - HB 499
deposit transactions - HB 500
deposit transactions, database - HB 500: HFA (1)
deposit transactions, debit or electronic instruments - HB 500: HFA (1)
deposit transactions, direct study - HB 500: HFA (2)
deposit transactions, fee and maximum number - HB 500: HFA (1)
deposit transactions, regulation and establishment of a database - HB 500: HCS
Electronic transfer of funds, wages and expenses of state employees - HB 45: HFA (1)
Fees and penalties, reduce - HB 552: SFA (1)
Financial products, information hotline, consumers - HJR 176
home loans - HB 230
home loans, prepayment penalties - HB 272
and Bank Protection Act, urge Congress to enact - HR 69
and Banks Protection Act, urge enactment - SR 90
loan companies, authorized charges - HB 471; HB 471: HFA (1)
loan corporations, restrictions, commercial activity - HB 136
Investment services, trust requirements - SB 153
Homeowners Protection Center, establishment of - SB 41
Homeownership Protection Center, create - HB 552
Merchant account contracts - HB 499
Mortgage loans, regulation of - HB 552: HCS
Mortgages, prepayment penalties in, prohibition - HB 488
New markets, investment program and tax credits for - HB 773
Office of financial institutions, mortgage foreclosure counseling - HB 72
Real estate, length of period a bank may hold - SB 89
Require notification to state local debt officer when entering into specified financial obligations - HB 435
mortgage fraud, penalties for - HB 552: SFA (2)
mortgage loans, unlawful acts - SB 186
Retail sales contract, debt cancellation agreement - SB 167
Secured party, costs and expenses - HB 471: SFA (2)
Sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination, prohibition of - SB 55
Spousal maintenance, automatic payment of - SB 61
Trustees, compensation of - HB 615; HB 615: HFA (1)
Uniform Commercial Code, Article 8 investment securities, updated references to - HB 708
Use of the term "bank" in a designation or name - SB 89
Viatical settlements, premium financing - HB 348

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