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Bad check, increase in collection fee - HB 426
Buying clubs and vacation clubs, refunds for cancellation of membership in - HB 507
Cigarette wholesaler compensation, increase rate - HB 372
Collection bins, charitable or noncharitable status specified - HB 539
Data provided to the Legislative Research Commission - HB 300
Dogs, require buyer guarantees, increase torture penalty - HB 518
Economic development and tourism project expenditure report - HB 750
Election days alcoholic beverages, local legislative body may permit sale of - HB 178
Electronic titling system, established - HB 85
Enforcement on private land under use agreements, MOA between Commerce/Fish and Wildlife - SB 196: HFA (1)
Intellectual Property Bank Program, creation of - HB 467
Motor carriers, sales tax exemption for repair parts - HB 59
Natural Gas Acquisition Authority, authorize creation and powers thereof - HB 690; HB 690: HFA (1),(2)
Ohio River dams and locks, urge Congress to fully fund - HR 125
Prescription drugs, transfer or distribution of - SB 79; SB 118: HCS
Self-contained storage units, rights and duties regarding lease of - HB 366
Strategic planning, economic development - HB 718
Tourism Development Act, sunset - HB 748
Tracking devices, implantation in humans - SB 238
Uniform Commercial Code, Article 8 investment securities, updated references to - HB 708
Unsafe children's products, prohibition of - HB 476: HCS
Unsolicited fax, prohibitions and penalty - HB 247; HB 247: HFA (3)

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