LRC Seal

Constitution, Ky.


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Amendments, advocacy reporting requirements - SB 148; SB 148: SFA (1); HB 459: HFA (1)
Auditor and Attorney General, make nonpartisan candidates - SB 14: SCS
gaming and electronic gaming devices at racetracks, require approval of local government - SB 19
gaming revenues, distribution of - HB 550: HFA (3)
gaming, approval by voters of county - HB 550: HFA (9)
gaming, legislative bodies and voters, approval from - HB 550: HFA (5)
gaming, on the ballot placed - HB 550: HFA (10)
gaming, replace references with the term "dens of iniquity" - HB 550: HFA (7)
gaming, voter approval for - HB 550; HB 550: HCS, HFA (1),(2)
Casinos and other gaming venues, approval by voters in county - HB 550: HFA (8)
Cities and counties, sales and use tax, authority to impose - HB 361
Death penalty, abolition of - HB 260
Felon, restoration of voting rights for - HB 213
Felons' restoration of voting rights, reimbursement of certain amount of detention costs - HB 70: HFA (6)
Gambling dens, voter approval for - HB 550: HFA (6)
Gaming tax proceeds, question of the ballot - HB 550: HFA (4)
Assembly member compensation, determined by compensation commission - HB 483
Assembly, repeal annual sessions of - SB 161
Judicial nominating commissions, appointment of members - HB 399
Medical malpractice, constitutional amendment - HB 709
legislative sessions, budget enacted during - HB 58
sessions, budget enacted in - SB 105
of State Treasurer, abolition of - SB 14
of Surveyor, establish requirements for - SB 73
Pardons and commutations of sentences, process for - HB 5
170, amend to increase homestead exemption - HB 238
181, revenue sharing, permit - HB 361
Senators, six year terms for - SB 117
rights for certain felons, constitutional amendment to provide - HB 70: HFA (1),(2),(3),(4)
rights for felons, constitutional amendment to provide - HB 70; HB 70: HFA (5)

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