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Labor and Industry


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Aliens, employment of - HB 95
Apprenticeship and Training Council, revise membership and terms - HB 682
Borders, R. Scott, administrative law judge, reappointment - SR 38
bargaining, public employees, authorization - HB 403
bargaining, teachers and classified employees - HB 650
Commissioner of Labor, honor and tribute to J.R. Gray - HR 120
worth determination, rebuttable presumption of correctness - HB 382: HFA (2)
worth jobs, employers to determine - HB 382: HFA (4)
worth, administrative regulations required - HB 382: HFA (3)
worth, factors considered - HB 382: HFA (1)
Cowden, Jr., William Bruce, Workers' Compensation Board, reappointment - SR 28
Davis, Marc Christopher, administrative law judge, reappointment - SR 35
misclassification, independent contractors, clarification of requirements - HB 654: HFA (1)
verification - HB 304; HB 553: HFA (1),(5)
Employees, misclassification as independent contractors, penalties provided - SB 256
Employment leave for crime victims, creation of and requirements for - HB 402
Executive Director, Office of Workers' Claims, Dwight Lovan - SR 251
Frasier, Jr. Howard E., administrative law judge, reappointment - SR 39
Group life insurance, regulation of - HB 84: HCS
Health care employees, retaliation prohibited - HB 602; HB 602: HFA (1)
Hiring and wage requirements, Cabinet for Economic Development incentive programs - SB 36: SFA (1)
Identity theft, obtaining or maintaining employment - HB 553: HFA (3),(6)
Board of Directors, appointment, James F. Howard - SR 263
Board of Directors, appointment, Rita Y. Phillips - SR 258
Board of Directors, reappointment, David H. Snowden - SR 267
Kentucky Jobs Development Act, changes to the definition of "service and technology" - SB 155
Kerr, James L., administrative law judge, reappointment - SR 40
Life insurance, employer provided - HB 84
Lowther, Sheila C., administrative law judge, reappointment - SR 41
Minimum wage and overtime, companionship services, exemption of - SB 239
of employees, penalties provided - HB 654
of employees, violations, penalties established - HB 654: HCS
Nonprofit charitable organization, minimum wage and overtime, exemption - HB 770
Overtime requirement, air carrier employees exempt - SB 141
Police officers and firefighters, mediation and arbitration procedures - SB 245
wage, school construction exempt - SB 193
wage, suspend the application of, for FY09 and FY10 - HB 262: HFA (6)
Railroads, safe walkways, provision for - HB 516
Roark, Grant Stewart, administrative law judge, reappointment - SR 34
Sex-based wage discrimination, prohibited on comparable jobs - HB 382
Sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination, prohibition of - SB 55; HB 274
Silicosis or mixed-dust claims, procedure for - HB 719
Lawrence F., administrative law judge, reappointment - SR 46
Marcel, administrative law judge, reappointment - SR 29
Stivers, Franklin A., Workers' Compensation Board, appointment - SR 44
insurance, benefit eligibility for military spouse - HB 116
insurance, change computation date for employer contributions - HB 414
insurance, confidentiality of information and records - SB 146
Wage discrimination disputes, binding arbitration permitted - HB 382: HFA (5)
compensation injury, rebuttable presumption of injury - HB 597
compensation, 6th edition AMA Guides, suspension of - SB 199: SFA (1)
compensation, AMA Guides, adopt fifth edition - SB 199
compensation, AMA Guides, adoption of - SB 199: HFA (1)
compensation, AMA Guides, usage of - SB 199: SCS
compensation, AMA Impairment Guides, adopt fifth edition - HB 498
compensation, attorney fee increase - HB 598
compensation, contractor and subcontractor, liability of - SB 198
compensation, employer's reckless conduct, suits permitted for - HB 624
compensation, income benefits, lump-sum payment required - SB 197
Compensation, insurance terminated, notice requires - HB 534: HFA (1)
compensation, judges and board, qualifications revised - HB 573
compensation, lump-sum payment required - HB 572
compensation, older workers, benefit duration - HB 601
compensation, permanent disability rating, additional multipliers included - HB 575
compensation, RIB cash option, eligibility for - SB 204
compensation, rights and benefits, notice required - HB 574
compensation, self-insured groups, financial requirements of - HB 758
compensation, termination of policy, notice required - HB 534; HB 534: SCA (1)

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