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Assault, 3rd degree, include licensed health care professionals - SB 45
Blood testing, DUI - HB 28
Direct Care Staffing Incentive Program, establishment of - HB 658
Disciplinary action, drug abuse or criminal conviction as a basis for - SB 21; SB 21: HCS, HFA (2),(3),(4)
Family resource youth services centers, health services, may provide - HB 640
continuous enrollment and online applications for - HB 345
presumptive eligibility period, continuous enrollment and online applications for - SB 126
care facilities, increased penalties for - HB 108
care facilities, nurse staffing requirements, establishment of - HB 109
Medicaid fraud, civil and administrative proceedings for - HB 691
Noncompliance with standards, report by worker, retaliation prohibited - HB 602: HCS
Nursing schools, licensure examinations, requirements for - SB 140
Operating room circulator supervising surgical technology, require a registered nurse to act as - HB 668
Prosthetics, orthotics, and pedorthics, services ordered by a nurse practitioner may be reimbursed - SB 29: HCS, HFA (3)
Recipients, Medicaid, provide statement of services to - HB 535

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