LRC Seal

Taxation, Property


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Broadcast radio and television towers, exemption from property tax - HB 277
Certificates of delinquency, level at which Finance cabinet must purchase, reduction - HB 580
Charter county governments, recall provisions - HB 524: HFA (5)
Courthouse districts - HB 103: SCS
property taxes, remove sheriff's sale - HB 733
tax bills, reduce maximum fees for private purchasers - SB 212; HB 702
Distribution of gaming proceeds, motor vehicle tax, elimination of - HB 550: HFA (4)
Federally documented vessels, exempt from local property tax - SB 77
Fire districts in, may increase property tax - HB 503: HFA (1)
exemption, formation of special subcommittee to review - HCR 70
exemption, increase, constitutional amendment - HB 238
paid for overpayments and underpayments - HB 693
paid, modify accrual of - HB 568
property tax exemption for private aircraft - HB 705
school districts additional levy for debt service and new facilities, authorized - HB 160
school districts, authorize levy for school construction - HB 734: HCS
Motor vehicles assessment, elimination of - HB 550: HFA (3)
Multicity fire protection district, interlocal agreement, funding by tax levy - HB 774
taxes, mailing address of party contractually responsible for payment, inclusion in deed - HB 182
valuation administrator, office staffing, study - HCR 168
Valuation Administrators Advisory Committee, creation of - HB 165
examination at central location, notice 30 days prior to - HB 182: SFA (1)
examination at central location, noticed 30 days prior to - HB 693: HFA (1)
funding, commission on tax bill for - HB 701
Radio and TV towers, remove local property tax on - HB 277: HCS
Threshold amount, preparation of bills below - HB 305
Volunteer fire departments, tax limits, procedures for expanding - HB 503

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