LRC Seal

Traffic Safety


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Accident, leaving scene of, penalty increase - HB 170; HB 170: HFA (1)
Alcohol and drug tests for CDL holders, suspension of CDL for positive test - HB 563
Boating violations, penalties for - HB 528
phones, permit use in case of emergency - HB 125: HFA (1)
phones, use by driver with instruction permit or intermediate driver's license, prohibition - HB 125
Certificates for driving, establish procedures for application and issuance - SB 104
booster seats, requirement - SB 120; SB 120: SCS
booster seats, requirement for - HB 55
booster seats, requirement of - SB 114
Commercial driver's licensees, testing for drug and alcohol - SB 162
population control, dangers, direct agency study - HJR 130
study, set report dates - HJR 130: HCS
alcohol concentration, drug use, delete attorney contact - HB 25, 30
alcohol concentration, drug use, delete right to telephone attorney upon arrest - SB 71
alcohol concentration, drug use, restore attorney contact - SB 71: SCS
blood testing - HB 28
effect of prior convictions - HB 264
provisions relating to - HB 170: SFA (2)
study of - HCR 140
Establish complete streets priority in state transportation projects - SB 145
Highway work zone, speeding in, required notice for double fines - HB 325
State Horse Park, restrictions on certain vehicles and trailers - HB 583
Vehicle Enforcement, recognition of accreditation - HR 23
vehicle unattended, delete prohibition - SB 172
vehicle unattended, prohibition on - SB 172: SCS
vehicle event data recorder, requirements for use - SB 34
vehicles, use of headlamps in work zone - HB 229
Permit and intermediate license holders, prohibit wireless device use while driving - HB 125: HCS
Personal telecommunication device, meaning of - HB 125: HFA (2)
Pretrial diversion program - HB 340
Railroad grade crossings, inspection of - HB 267
Soliciting contributions on highways by minors, require adult supervision of - HB 278
State Horse Park, restrictions on vehicles and horse trailers - HB 536: HFA (1); HB 583: HFA (1)
Text messaging, prohibited while operating a motor vehicle - SB 116
Traffic signal, inoperative at intersection, when to proceed - HB 525
Wireless device, use prohibited while operating a motor vehicle - HB 56

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