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United States


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American flag, made only in the USA, be flown at State Capitol and other state office buildings - HR 255
funding for FIVCO Area Drug Task Force - HR 173
urge funding of Operation UNITE - SR 67
urge support of United Nations/African Union Mission in Darfur - SCR 173
urge to renew exemption of Delta Queen from Safety of Life at Sea Act - HR 109
DNA backlog reduction program, urge Congress to fund - SCR 162
Ecumenical Patriarch, Turkey urged to grant international recognition to - HR 244
Employee verification - HB 304; HB 553: HFA (1),(5)
Enforcement of immigration law, agreements for - HB 304; HB 553: HFA (1),(5)
Foreign nationals, state police to enter into agreement for enforcement of federal immigration law - HB 97
Homeowners and Bank Protection Act, urge Congress to enact - HR 69
National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact, ratify - HB 544
drug importation from foreign countries, request certification of safety of - HB 7
drug importation, request information from the FDA - HB 7: HCS
President, urge support of United Nations/African Union Mission in Darfur - SCR 173
election by national popular vote, compact for - HB 400
electors, selection and voting - HB 423
preference primary, change date and filing deadline - HB 18: SFA (1)
Security Act, repeal of Government Pension Offset and Windfall Elimination provisions of - SR 53
Security Act, urge repeal of Government Pension Offset and Windfall Elimination Provision of - HCR 16
Tennessee Valley Authority Police officers. statewide jurisdiction, grant of - SB 130

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