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Abortion, requirements and prohibitions relating to - SB 40: SCS (1),(2); HB 544: SFA (2)
Appointments to boards and commissions, Governor permitted to achieve gender equity with - HB 3
Breast and cervical cancer treatment, Medicaid coverage for - SB 98
Child custody, visitation, relocation of principal residence of child - HB 383
Community Based Services, racial disportionality, address - HB 666: HCS
worth determination, rebuttable presumption of correctness - HB 382: HFA (2)
worth jobs, employers to determine - HB 382: HFA (4)
worth, administrative regulations required - HB 382: HFA (3)
worth, factors considered - HB 382: HFA (1)
Consortium, loss of, action for - SB 247; HB 297
Dating violence, availability of domestic violence protective orders - HB 161
Department for Community Based Services, racial disportionality, address - HB 666
violence hearings, procedure for - HB 376
violence order, venue, transfer - SB 74
Emergency protective orders, procedure for - HB 376
Health benefit plan, coverage of mammograms by - HB 316
Identification cars for homeless, provide for - HB 308
National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month - HR 128
Partial birth abortion - SB 4
Assault Awareness Month, designate the month of March - SR 159; HR 175
orientation and gender identity discrimination, prohibition of - HB 274
Sexually oriented businesses, establish fee on - HB 657
Spousal maintenance, automatic payment of - SB 61
State contractors, equal employment opportunity requirements for - HB 323
Tracking devices, implantation in humans - SB 238
Wage discrimination disputes, binding arbitration permitted - HB 382: HFA (5)

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