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The hyperlink to a bill draft that precedes a summary contains the most recent version (Introduced/GA/Enacted) of the bill. If the session has ended, the hyperlink contains the latest version of the bill at the time of sine die adjournment. Note that the summary pertains to the bill as introduced, which is often different from the most recent version.

Includes opposite chamber sponsors where requested by primary sponsors of substantially similar bills in both chambers and jointly approved by the Committee on Committees of both chambers. Opposite chamber sponsors are represented in italics.

HB 301/FN (BR 914) - K. Hall, J. Stacy, R. Adams, H. Collins, T. Edmonds, J. Jenkins, C. Miller, R. Nelson, R. Palumbo, T. Riner, D. Sims, A. Smith, K. Stein, J. Stewart III, J. Wayne

     AN ACT relating to prescription drug assistance.
     Create new sections of KRS Chapter 194A to define "asset test," "department," "enrollee," "federal poverty guidelines," "liquid assets," "Medicaid dual eligible," "Medicare Modernization Act," "Medicare Part D prescription drug benefit," "prescription drug plan", "program," and "resident"; create the Kentucky Senior Prescription Drug Assistance Program within the Department for Aging and Independent Living; establish eligibility guidelines for participants to include persons who are 65 or older, eligible for Medicare enrollment, have a household income at or below 200 percent of the poverty level, meet the asset test, do not have other prescription drug coverage, and not be members of a retirement plan with a drug benefit under the Medicare Modernization Act, and not Medicaid dual eligible; require the department to prescribe the application and enrollment process; allow the department to determine drugs to be covered by the program and negotiate with manufacturers for rebates; limit benefits to the amount of appropriations, with the program to cover prescription drug costs for applicants who have exceeded the initial coverage limit under the Medicare Part D plan; clarify that a resident must have lived in the state for at least 90 days prior to receipt of the application by the department; require the department to create standards for documenting proof of residence.

     Jan 15-introduced in House
     Jan 17-to Health & Welfare (H)
     Jan 25-posted in committee

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