color:redHtml> 08RS HB444
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Includes opposite chamber sponsors where requested by primary sponsors of substantially similar bills in both chambers and jointly approved by the Committee on Committees of both chambers. Opposite chamber sponsors are represented in italics.

HB 444/CI (BR 982) - J. Comer Jr.

     AN ACT relating to organ donation.
     Create new sections of KRS 196 to require the Department of Corrections to establish an organ and tissue donor program; require display of educational pamphlets and brochures in inmate housing units; supply forms for donation and document inmate's medical record; require the department and medical authorities to develop policies and procedures for organ or tissue donations; permit the department or correctional institution to prohibit an inmate from participating if a security risk exists; specify that the department shall not be responsible for any costs associated with organ or tissue donation; amend KRS 197.045 to permit up to 60 days good time credit for living organ donation and prohibit forfeiture of credit earned for organ donation.

     Feb 1-introduced in House
     Feb 4-to Judiciary (H)

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