color:redHtml> 09RS HB31
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Includes opposite chamber sponsors where requested by primary sponsors of substantially similar bills in both chambers and jointly approved by the Committee on Committees of both chambers. Opposite chamber sponsors are represented in italics.

HB 31 (BR 103) - M. Marzian

     AN ACT relating to the expansion of the film industry in Kentucky.
     Create new sections of KRS Chapter 148 to provide individual income tax, corporation income tax, limited liability entity tax, and sales tax incentives for locating a film production facility in Kentucky or filming or producing a motion picture production in Kentucky; define terms; establish qualifications including minimum capital investment and minimum qualifying expenditures and minimum qualifying payroll expenditures, application and reporting requirements; require the Kentucky Film Office to administer the incentive program; authorize the Kentucky Film Office to enter into a film industry tax incentive agreement; authorize the promulgation of administrative regulations by the Kentucky Film Office and the Department of Revenue; create a new section of KRS 141 to create a motion picture film production nonrefundable income tax credit for the construction of a new film production facility or the renovation of an existing structure to become a film production facility and a motion picture production that is filmed or produced in Kentucky against the tax imposed under KRS 141.020 or 141.040 and KRS 141.0401 for taxable periods beginning after December 31, 2008; allow credit to be carried forward 5 years; amend KRS 141.0205 to establish the order in which the credits may be taken; amend KRS 139.538 to provide refund of the sales and use tax paid on the purchase of tangible personal property that is permanently incorporated into a film production facility or is used to initially equip the film production facility; provide for a refund of the sales and use tax paid by an approved company on qualifying expenditures if used in the filming or production of a motion picture production in Kentucky.

     (Prefiled by the sponsor(s).)

     Jan 6-introduced in House
     Jan 7-to Appropriations & Revenue (H)

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