color:redHtml> 09RS HB410
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Includes opposite chamber sponsors where requested by primary sponsors of substantially similar bills in both chambers and jointly approved by the Committee on Committees of both chambers. Opposite chamber sponsors are represented in italics.

HB 410/FN (BR 429) - M. Cherry, A. Webb-Edgington, J. Richards, A. Wuchner

     AN ACT relating to the Kentucky State Police.
     Amend KRS 16.010 to establish this section as the definitions section of a potential new KRS chapter as established by Sections 12 to 15 of the bill; define trooper R class as retired troopers who have been reemployed by the Dept. of the Kentucky State Police on an at-will basis, and make technical amendments; amend KRS 16.040, 16.060, 16.070, 16.080, 16.100, 16.100, 16.140, 16.170, and 16.185 to provide for the physical requirements, duties, clothing and equipment, training, discipline, reimbursements for, and indemnification of, individuals employed as Trooper R class; amend KRS 16.055 to modify the scoring of promotions for officers within the Dept. of the Kentucky State Police; establish new KRS sections to provide the commissioner of the Kentucky State Police with the authority to hire up to 100 retired troopers as Trooper R Class on an at-will basis; provide that the number of individuals employed as Trooper R Class will not count against the employee cap for the department; establish the requirements of individuals employed as Trooper R Class; provide that individuals employed as Trooper R Class shall be compensated according to administrative regulations promulgated by the commissioner; provide that individuals employed as Trooper R Class shall be subject to removal without cause by the commissioner; provide that individuals employed as Trooper R Class shall continue to be eligible for pension and retiree health benefits provided by the retirement systems; provide that individuals employed as Trooper R Class shall not participate in the retirement systems or the state health plan as employees during their reemployment; require that individuals employed as Trooper R Class shall adhere to agency standards of conduct; provide that any person may present charges against any individual employed as Trooper R Class by filing charges with the Office of Internal Affairs.


     HCS/FN - Retain original provisions; clarify that the department shall reimburse the retirement systems for employer contributions and retiree health premiums as currently required by KRS 61.637; limit the period of employment as a Trooper R class to four years; make technical corrections.

     HFA (1, R. Webb) - Retain original provisions except provide that individuals employed as a Trooper R class shall be given the same due process rights afforded officers in the case of disciplinary actions taken by the commissioner.

     SFA (1, R. Jones II) - Amend to provide that reemployment must occur within 5 years following a trooper's retirement and is pursuant to an annual contract, renewable for not more than 4 additional 1 year terms; provide the reemployed trooper with due process in the event of a disciplinary action.

     Feb 11-introduced in House
     Feb 12-to Judiciary (H)
     Feb 23-reassigned to State Government (H)
     Feb 24-posted in committee
     Feb 26-reported favorably, 1st reading, to Calendar with Committee Substitute
     Feb 27-2nd reading, to Rules; posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Monday, March 2, 2009; floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute
     Mar 3-3rd reading, passed 100-0 with Committee Substitute, floor amendment (1)
     Mar 4-received in Senate
     Mar 6-to Judiciary (S)
     Mar 9-taken from committee; 1st reading; returned to Judiciary (S)
     Mar 10-taken from committee; 2nd reading; returned to Judiciary (S)
     Mar 11-reported favorably, to Rules; floor amendment (1) filed
     Mar 13-posted for passage in the Regular Orders of the Day for Friday, March 13, 2009; 3rd reading, passed 38-0 with floor amendment (1) ; received in House; posted for passage for concurrence in Senate floor amendment (1) ; House concurred in Senate floor amendment (1) ; passed 93-0; enrolled, signed by each presiding officer; delivered to Governor
     Mar 20-signed by Governor (Act ch. 59)

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