color:redHtml> 09RS SB186
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Includes opposite chamber sponsors where requested by primary sponsors of substantially similar bills in both chambers and jointly approved by the Committee on Committees of both chambers. Opposite chamber sponsors are represented in italics.

SB 186 (BR 1577) - E. Harris

     AN ACT relating to the Special Needs Alternative Education and Welfare Program.
     Add new sections to KRS Chapter 157 to create the Students with Special Needs Scholarship Program; define terminology regarding participation; describe the process for the Kentucky Department of Education to receive student applications and to allocate scholarship funding; require a resident school district to provide annual notice of the scholarship program to parents, transfer school records, provide transportation, to permit a student to participate in the state assessment if requested; describe the requirements of a participating school application; describe parent, student, and local district responsibilities; clarify the requirements for a proportionate share of federal funds for parentally placed students with disabilities; amend KRS 157.196, KRS 159.030, and KRS 605.115 to conform with the definition of "individualized education program" in the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

     Feb 13-introduced in Senate; to Education (S)

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