Adams, Rep. Royce and Rita, 50th anniversary, honoring - SR 7
Barzun, Matthew, honoring - HR 16
Blume, Norbert, honoring - HR 8
Cecelia Dunlap Order of Eastern Star, adjourn in honor of - SR 25
Congressional Bourbon Caucus, honoring - SR 27; HR 19
Floyd, Richard P. and Barbara L., fortieth anniversary, honoring - HR 10
Fossett, Edward Lee, honoring - SR 13; HR 9
Hotel Metropolitan, honoring - SR 30
Kent, Reverend Wallace, honoring - SR 18; HR 13
Kiefer, Dr. John, honoring - SR 14
Komla, Private Stanislaw J., remembering - HR 22
Neal, Gerald and Kathy Cooksie, anniversary, adjourn in honor of - SR 26
Neda Soltani, adjourn in honor of - HR 17
Prince Hall Grand Lodge, adjourn in honor of - SR 25
Smith, Mary Louise, honoring - HR 7
Turner, Henry and Barbara, honoring - SR 23
United States Army, 243th birthday - SR 11
Zeh, Michael, honoring - SR 12; HR 6