Abuse, exploitation, and neglect, definitions and penalties - HB 494

Accounts of specified adults, permit temporary holds of - HB 93: HCS

Aging population, age-friendly communities, importance of - HR 284

Gender neutral language, including - SB 192

Guardianship and conservatorship, proceedings for - HB 5; HB 5: HCS

Guardianship, court-community partnership, creation of - HJR 33

Hearing Awareness Day, encouraging adults to seek the services of healthcare professionals - HR 201; SR 232

Long-term-care staffing ratios, implementation of - HB 573

Medical marijuana program, establishment - SB 272

Power of attorney, requirements for - HB 11; HB 11: HCS, HFA (1), HFA (2)

Public assistance eligibility, enhanced data tracking for - HB 363; HB 363: HFA (1), HFA (2)

Specified adults, financial exploitation, allow reporting of - HB 93: HCS

Substance use disorder in aging populations, encouraging study of - HR 283

Transfers of real and personal property by protected adults, presumed undue influence - HB 494

Trespass, simplified remedy for elderly and vulnerable - HB 494