Animals, Livestock, and Poultry
WWW Version
Animal abuse offender registry, establishment of - HB 417
Assault on a service animal, first degree, inclusion of assistance animals - HB 442
Assistance animals, housing, allow reasonable accomodation for - HB 329
Cervid meat processors, waste disposal requirements - SB 119; SB 119: SCS
Communicable diseases, control of - HB 174
Danger of death, dog or cat, removal from vehicle, civil immunity - SB 8
Depredating black vultures, urge the issuance of more permits to allow the taking of - HCR 7
- and cats, torture, offenses involving family members, prohibition of early release for - HB 447
- and cats, torture, penalty increase - HB 276
Hunting, use of unmanned aircraft systems, prohibiting - SB 42
Immunity from civil liability, expand to include removal of domestic animal from a vehicle - SB 24
- Milk Commission, abolishment of, confirm Executive Order 2017-0715 - HB 108: SFA (2)
- Spring Seat Saddle, official state emblem, designation as - HB 575
Sexual activity with animals, Class A misdemeanor - SB 239
Shark fin, prohibit sale, possession, trade, and distribution - HB 419
Soybean Week, denoting importance of - HR 227
Transportation of animal feed, ten percent weight tolerance - HB 153; HB 153: FCCR
Wild horses, urging fair treatment of - HR 272