Commendations and Recognitions
WWW Version
- Boyle County High School 3A State Championship Football Team, honoring - HR 106
- Danville High School 2A State Championship football team, honoring - HR 107
2018 Winter Olympic Games, honoring - HR 155; SR 168; SR 178
50th Wedding Anniversary of Johnny Cash and June Carter, commemorating - SR 177; HR 212
Adair County High School Marching Band, honoring - SR 198
Adams, A. Dale, honoring - HR 267
Adams Middle School, honorary roadside sign, state basketball champions - SJR 173
Adkins, Jack, inclusion, Country Music Highway - SJR 240
Advanced Practice Registered Nurses Day, February 7, 2018 - HR 139; SR 156
Ananias Lorenzo Garvin, honor for ground-breaking extension work - HR 170
Anonymous organ donors, recognizing - SR 110
Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita Awareness Day, designating June 30 as - HB 214
Asimellis, Dr. George, honoring - SR 315
Belcher, Linda and Larry, urging ceremonious recognition of - HR 59
Benvenuti III, Representative Robert, honoring - HR 328
Bowen, Senator Joe, honoring - SR 355
Brammer, Jack, Kentucky Journalism Hall of Fame, induction, honoring - HR 317
Calloway, Hazel, honoring on the occasion of her 90th birthday - SR 120
Campbellsville University Women's Wrestling Team, honoring - SR 206
Carl, Loren, honoring - HR 271
Carpenter, Robert W., highway naming designation - SJR 249
Castlen, Representative Matt, honoring - HR 316
Celebrating Women in Public Office Day, March 19, 2018 - HR 254; SR 268
Central High School, honoring - SR 237
Chiropractic profession, recognize and honor - HR 91; SR 95
Chiropractors, recognizing - HR 153
Clark, Kellie, teacher of the Year - SR 7
Clay, Clarence "Soc", 1984 Poet Laureate, signs honoring - HJR 145
Clem, Fred, honoring - HR 295
Coalition for the Homeless, Jamon Brown Foundation, partnership, recognizing - SR 363
Coleman, Michael B., Michael B. Coleman Government Center, dedication, honoring - SR 259
Collaborative Center for Literacy Development, recognizing - SR 255
College Board's Eighth Annual Advanced Placement District Honor Roll, acknowledging winners of - SR 179
Commerce Lexington Inc., Chamber of the year - HR 184
Cooley, Tim, honoring - SR 87
Cordia High School Boys' Basketball Team, honoring - HR 289
Country Music Highway, Justice, Charlie, inclusion and signs - SJR 16
Coursey, Representative Will, honoring - HR 321
Coyle, John "Bear," honoring - HR 299
Davis, Nicholas, honoring - HR 117; SR 133
DeCesare, Representative Jim, honoring - HR 326
Denhollander, Rachael, honoring - SR 220
Depp, Dr. Ansley, honoring - HR 198
Disability Awareness Day, January 31, 2018 - SR 132
Earl Dennis "Denny" Nunnelley, honor - HR 334
Edelstein, Ali, honoring - HR 239
Elks, Benevolent and Protective Order of, honor 150th anniversary - HR 164; SR 185
Elliott County Minnie Adkins Day, Third Saturday in July, recognizing - HR 323
Ellis, Tolya Lynn, Education Professional Standards Board - SR 342
Energy-efficient school districts, honoring - HR 36; SR 103
- Billy C, adjourn in recognition and honor of - HR 127
- Jim W., Kentucky Superintendent of the Year, honoring - SR 219
Ewing, Dr. James A., honoring - SR 201
Farmers, honoring, Food Checkout Week, recognizing - HR 41; SR 43
Faulkner, Trevon, Mr. Basketball, honoring - HR 261
FFA Week in, recognizing - HR 27
Fort Knox, honoring and commemorating, founding of - HR 121
Franklin-Simpson High School Football Team, honoring - HR 233
Fryman, Sr., Howard William Fryman, honoring - HR 52
Gibson, Randy, honoring - HR 274
Grant, Travis "Machine," honoring - SR 148
Graves County High School cheerleading team, national champion, honoring - HR 237
Green, Juanita, honoring - SR 258
Haywood, Coach Philip, honoring - SR 29
Hindman Elementary, honoring - HR 246
Holbrook, Boyd, honorary sign, Floyd County - HJR 159
Holiday, John, honoring - SR 89
Honaker, Joyce, honoring - HR 279; SR 305
Honorary road naming, omnibus resolution - HJR 196: HCS, SCS
Huffaker, Hannah, honoring - SR 210
Hunger Free Kentucky Day, declaration of - HR 40; SR 42
Imes, Representative Kenny, honoring - HR 315
Irish American Heritage Month for Kentucky, recognizing - HR 252; SR 294
Isaacs, Dave, honoring - HR 291
Jack Baker, distinguished military service, recognizing - HR 258; SR 266
Jackson, Carol L., memorializing - SR 292
Johnson, Dustin, honoring - HR 274
Jones, Nate, MLB pitcher, honorary road sign placement in Pendleton County - HJR 193
June Dairy Month, recognize importance of - HR 103
Kay, Representative James, honoring - HR 307
- 4-H Capitol Experience, recognizing - HR 264; SR 302
- Bourbon Trail Craft Tour Distilleries, honoring - HR 235
- Bourbon Trail, honoring - HR 235
- Chemists Celebrate Earth Week, recognition of - HR 301; HR 332
- Community and Technical College System, honoring - HR 204; SR 235
- Educational Television, honoring - HR 136; SR 150
- State University, Alumni House, naming - HB 302: SCS, SFA (1)
- State University, Jackson Hall, designating - HB 302: SCS, SFA (1)
- State University, Jackson Hall, "Kentucky Museum of African American Hisotory", recognizing - HR 188
- State University volleyball team, honoring - SR 308
"Kentucky's Red November," honoring - SR 157
King, Robert L., honoring - HR 292
Knott County Central High School Girls' Basketball Team, honoring - HR 288
- Catholic High School Swimming and Diving Team, honoring - HR 310
- Shriners Medical Center, honoring - SR 360
Linder, Representative Brian, honoring - HR 314
Lindsey Wilson College women's volleyball team, honoring - SR 203
Linebach, Father Martin A., honoring - SR 130
Linsey, Lorenzo, honoring - SR 205
Louisville IAFF Local 345, honoring - SR 260
Lux Row Distillery, honoring - HR 230
Lynn Camp HS Cheer Team, 2018 All "A" State Champions, placing of signage honoring - HJR 124
Lyons, Pearse, honoring - HR 123
Marshall County High School shooting victims and community, honoring - HR 126; SR 143
Matney, Molly, 2017 Miss Kentucky, signs honoring - HJR 22
May, Kelsie, honorary highway sign, KY 3 in Louisa - HJR 203
McGee, George, honoring - SR 30
Mercer County High School girls' basketball team, honoring - HR 262; SR 274
Metzger Eye Care, honoring - SR 10
Middleton, Clyde, honoring - SR 127
Mitchell, JoEllen, honoring - HR 178
Mountain Dulcimer Day, March 11, 2018 - HR 122; HR 185
Mullins, Roby, 2017 NASP State Overall Archery Champion, sign on US Route 150, Boyle County - HJR 66
- Dairy Month, cash receipts, make changes to - HR 103: HCA (1)
- Farmers Day, recognizing - HR 95
- Speech and Debate Education Day, recognizing - HR 150
Nelson, Representative Rick, honoring - HR 306
Newport IAFF Local 45, honoring - SR 260
O'Nan, Lydia, honoring - SR 250
Overly, Representative Sannie, honoring - HR 320
Owens, Representative Darryl, honoring - HR 312
Patrick, Albert, honoring - HR 208
Phelps, Reverend Joe, honoring - SR 116
Pikeville Police Department, honoring - SR 314
Pile, Julia, honoring - SR 12; HR 92
Pregnancy help centers, honoring - HCR 152; SCR 154
Rabbits, honoring - HR 280
Radcliff, Kentucky, designating as Knife Capital of Kentucky - HR 182
Rader, Marie, honoring - HR 296
- Hill Cutlery, designating as "Knife Capital of Kentucky" - HJR 111
- Hill Cutlery, designating as Knife Capital of Kentucky - SJR 145
Reily, Stephen, honoring - SR 362
Republic of Korea, commending - HR 155; SR 178
Richards, Representative Jody, honoring - HR 319
Riggs, Representative Steve, honoring - HR 311
Ripperdan, Thelma King, honoring - HR 186
Robins, Seygan, Miss Basketball, honoring - HR 260
Russell High School Academic team, honoring - HR 300
- bus driver day, designate May 1 of each year as - HB 21: HCS
- Bus Driver Day, designatiing May 1 as - SB 12
- Bus Driver Day, designating May 1 as - HJR 19; HB 21
Seavers, Corbin, honoring - HR 270
Shelby Valley High School, honoring - HR 290
Sinnette, Representative Kevin, honoring - HR 308
Sisters of Loretto, honoring - SR 212
- Elaine "Bae Bae" Avanell, 2017 Young Miss Kentucky MKTA, signs honoring - HJR 86
- Elmore "the Rejector" "Big E," honoring - SR 147
Sousley, Franklin Runyon, honoring - HR 138
Soybean Week, proclaiming in the Commonwealth - HR 227
Spalding, Father J. Mark, honoring - SR 45
Spradling Memorial A.M.E. African American Episcopal Zion Church, honoring on its 150th anniversary - SR 122
St. Catherine Academy, honoring the 150th anniversary of - SR 131
- property and programs, naming for employee of postsecondary education system, restrictions on - SB 72: SCS (1)
- property and programs, naming for state official or employee, restrictions on - SB 72; SB 72: SCS (2)
- property and programs, waiting period for naming for state official or employee - HB 151
Steele, Dr. H. Randy, honoring - SR 126
Sunshine Week, March 11-17, 2018 - HR 220
Survivors Council, recognizing - HR 77
Tackett, John, Pickleball Ambassador of Kentucky, honoring - SR 32
Taiwan, commending - SR 101; HR 218
Union County High School Wrestling Team, honoring - SR 226
University Heights Academy Robotics Team, honoring - SR 207
Verax, Dr. Bill, honoring - HR 266
Waits, Danny, honoring - SR 164
Walker, Prentice, honoring - HR 313
Walking Horse National Trainers Show, anniversary, recognize - SR 175
Watkins, Representative Gerald, honoring - HR 309
Wayne, Representative Jim, honoring - HR 322
Webb, Susan, honoring and recognizing - SR 227
Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day, honoring - HR 256
Wells, Representative Scott, honoring - HR 327
- Jessamine High School Girls' Soccer Team, honoring - HR 175; SR 196
- Louisville Chess Club, honoring - HR 270
White, Elias "Shug," honoring - SR 293; SR 310
Winter Olympic Games, recognizing - SR 155
Wuchner, Representative Addia, honoring - HR 329
Young people, honoring - HR 244