WWW Version
911, Lifeline CMRS service charge, abolishment of - HB 559
Cell phones, possession in jail - HB 207; HB 207: HCS
- communications facilities, include in definition of key infrastructure assets - HB 324: HCS
- phone numbers, unauthorized release for commercial purposes, prohibition of - HB 59; HB 59: HCS
City clerks, duties, information and submission requirements - HB 310
- service providers, Kentucky Model Procurement Act, Consumer Protection Act - HB 418
- service providers, personally identifiable information, restriction on availability - SB 11; HB 332
Kentucky Communications Network Authority, debt and financing, authorizing - SB 200: HCS; SB 223
Sexually explicit images, distribution of without consent - HB 71
Utility franchise fees, utilities' ability to recover from customers, city denial of - HB 546