Courts, District
WWW Version
- Office of the Courts, caseload analysis and proposed redrawing of districts - SB 10
- pretrial release, certain violations and misdemeanors, required for - SB 133: SCS
- pretrial release, deletion of - SB 133: SFA (1), SFA (2), SFA (5)
Commitment, after reaching the age of seventeen and a half - SB 187
- costs and fines, installment plan and community service for - HB 396
- of Justice, provide for gender-neutral language - HB 523
DNA cases, appointment of counsel, fee for - HB 561
Emergency placement of children, criminal history record checks for - HB 301
Extreme risk protective order, firearms prohibition, venue - HB 544
Fifty-fifth District, reduction in judges - HB 348: HCS
Guardianship proceedings, use of juries in - HB 131
Judicial Branch Budget - HB 203; HB 203: FCCR, HCS, SCS
Juror pay and expense allowance, increasing - SB 189
- service, increase in payment and reimbursement for - SB 87; SB 87: SCS
- service, procedure to volunteer for - SB 87: SCS
Juvenile probation, extension to the completion of treatment, allowance for - SB 177
Liens against real estate, release of - HB 462
Marriage, minimum age, raising, petitioning process - SB 48
- bond, elimination of - SB 133
- bond, limitation, deletion of - SB 133: SFA (1)
- bond, restriction of - HB 396
Power of attorney, requirements for - HB 11; HB 11: HCS, HFA (1), HFA (2)
Redistricting, boundary realignment and reallocation of resources - SB 10; HB 348