Criminal Procedure
WWW Version
- dismemberment, prohibition of - HB 454; HB 454: SCS
- Down syndrome, prohibition of - HB 455
- ultrasound requirements - HB 103
Administrative pretrial release, deletion of - SB 133: SFA (1), SFA (2), SFA (5)
Animal abuse offender registry, establishment of - HB 417
Assault in the third degree, peace officers, contact with bodily fluids - HB 193; HB 193: HCS, SCS, SFA (2)
Capital offense, executions, mental illness - SB 107; SB 107: SCS
Cell phones, possession in jail - HB 207; HB 207: HCS
- abuse offender registry, establishment of - HB 600
- pornography, prohibit distribution of - HB 120
- pornography, trial exhibits, storage by a court - HB 120: SCS
- victim statements, hearsay exception for - SB 137
Constitutional amendment, crime victims' bill of rights, propose creation of - SB 3
Crimes Victims' Bill of Rights, statutory changes upon ratification of constitutional amendment - SB 30
- penalty, child or vulnerable adult victim, aggravating circumstance for - HB 316
- penalty, replacement of with life imprisonment without parole - SB 54; HB 155
Discriminatory jury selection practices, disqualification of prosecutor - SB 174
Disposal of property obtained through forfeiture, restrictions on use of proceeds - HB 437
DNA, sample collection at arraignment, requiring - SB 84; HB 178
Drug possession, reclassification of penalty for - HB 396
- additional class D felony offenses eligible - SB 185
- additional Class D felony offenses eligible - HB 377
- certain Class D felonies, allow - SB 171
- certification of eligibility for, limit requirement for - SB 185; HB 377
- charges dismissed without prejudice, allow - SB 185; HB 377
- waiting periods for expungement of certain Class D felonies - SB 171
Felony expungement, reckless homicide - SB 16
Filing fee, application for felony expungement, reduce to $200 - SB 185; HB 377
Firearms, comprehensive regulation of - HB 502
Fraud crimes, felony threshold, raising of - HB 126
Gang violence, prevention of - HB 169; HB 169: HCS, HFA (3), SCS
Hate crime, offense against peace officer or emergency medical services personnel as a result of - HB 181
Ignition interlocks, use of - SB 255
Lost or stolen firearm, failure to report, evidence of - HB 412
Misdemeanors, outside officer's presence, issuance of citations - HB 193: SFA (2)
Monetary bond, limitation, deletion of - SB 133: SFA (1)
Officer Shooting Review Board, establishment of - HB 66
Parole sanction, in lieu of revocation - HB 457
Persistent offenders, life without parole - HB 60
Persons convicted of hate crimes, possession of firearms by - HB 209
Pregnant prisoners and inmates, release of - SB 133: SFA (5)
Previous conviction, felon in possession of firearm, enhanced penalty - SB 210; SB 210: SFA (1), SFA (2)
Probation and parole violators, work release - HB 457
Protective orders, filing of - SB 133
Racial and ethnic community criminal justice and public safety impact statement, require - HB 169: SFA (1)
Rape and sodomy, definition - SB 109
Registration as a sex offender, exemption - HB 71: SFA (1)
Restitution, juvenile cases, use best interests standard - SB 3: SCS
Restorative justice practices, allow - HB 169: HFA (2)
- crimes against a victim who is a person with an intellectual disability, increase in penalty - SB 19; SB 19: SCS
- offender registrants, living with a minor, prohibiting - HB 356; HB 356: SFA (1)
- offender registrants, registration fee for - HB 206
- offender registrants, restriction of - HB 70; HB 70: HCS
- offender registrants, restrictions on - SB 181; SB 181: SCS
Sexual assault of inmates, investigation of - SB 133
- and fraud crimes, raising felony threshold for - HB 396
- crimes, felony threshold, raising of - HB 126; SB 133
- crimes, raising felony threshold, deletion of - SB 133: SFA (3), SFA (5)
Traffic offenses, non-DUI, reclassification of penalty for - HB 396
- simplified remedy for elderly and vulnerable - HB 494
- use of purple paint marks to provide notice of - HB 77
Unlawful storage of a firearm, prohibition of - HB 31; SB 184
Unmanned aircraft systems, use in hunting and surveillance of hunters, prohibiting - SB 42
Veterans treatment court, alternative sentencing - SB 18
Warrantless drone surveillance, prohibition - HB 22
Weapons offense registry, establishment of - HB 410